Glorious ♥♥♥

Apr 12, 2009 06:05

I think I might have flailed waaay too much when I first listened to Glorious a few hours ago. But then, what can you expect from someone whose ichiban is Ohkura Tadayoshi and niban is Nishikido Ryo?! >.>

I'm so happy, their English is pretty good for Japanese guys. ♥ I could actually make out the words! Or maybe that's because there was a copy of the lyrics that came with the mp3?

When Tacchon sang the lines
"I'm knocking at your heart
Begging you to open up"
I answered, "You don't have to, it's already open!"

...and my best friend, who I was talking to on the phone while listening to the song for the first time, thought it was something ecchi. XD She obviously had her head in the gutter! >D

Is it just me, or does the song sound kinda like a praise song...? Or maybe I'm just thinking that way because it's Easter today. And I keep thinking it's right in time for Easter~! ♥

Happy Easter, minna~! ♥ On this day, Christians celebrate the glorious miracle of Christ's resurrection!
maybe that's why Glorious gives me this "praise and worship" vibe...?

nishikido ryo, ohkura tadayoshi, fangirling, puzzle, kanjani8

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