Can!Jani + One Drop PV Making + Ni no Arashi

Feb 12, 2009 20:00

Watching Uta no Oniisan always makes me feel so guilty. And reminds me, yet again, that I have absolutely no ambition of any kind. I don't know what the heck I want to do.

Jitsu wa... I don't think I want to work in Japan. In fact, I don't know what kind of work I want to do. I don't want to be idle, either. I don't want to be a student for much longer.

So many things I don't want, but nothing I do want. Atashi wa musekinin da ne...

I wonder when I lost all sense of direction and drive. If I ever had it at all, in the first place.

Actually, I've been thinking lately, if I'm given direction, I'd do things pretty well, and quite fast, too. But if I have to be "creative" or "find something I want to do"... We have a big problem.


Can!Jani ep4 seems so familiar...I think I read an ep summary/translation, because I don't think I watched the whole thing before. It was...well, I'm not entirely sure why Ryo and Yoko had to go on motorbikes. They could've gone with the STAFF who were obviously riding a van or something!

And lol@Ryo getting scolded! I agree with the other members, it's rare to see RYO being scolded!!!! XD

and the Can thinks that the other Kanjani8 members spoil Ryo.

I think it's more like they're avoiding getting lashed by his poison tongue though! ;P

And Yoko's comment that I totally agree with:

I took this screencap:

for the little picture in the corner <3

Ryo, you do know what your hat says, right...? Why, exactly are you wearing it..?

*restrains self from making other comments*


G no Arashi ep38 was fun~! NOW I understand why Nino is labeled evil. He IS evil!!! Those Ni no Arashi clips were so mean!!! And much fun~! >D

I LOVED the ones at the concerts. Matsujun looked so horrified! And Aiba too!!!

look at Aiba, MatsuJun, and Riida~!!!! >D

And the little imp prankster tries to muffle his laughter behind Riida, as Sho also stares in shock at the FIFTH encore call, coming from INSIDE THEIR DRESSING ROOM!!! >D

Are there more Ni no Arashi pranks? I want to see them all~!!! >D


One Drop PV making. Hmmm...

It's kinda sad that they're not together for most of the PV making, yet again. But it makes a lot of sense since TWO of their members are filming SEPARATE dramas.

And Kame had to shoot his drama even after the PV making?! Just how much work is he doing?!

Jin looks so tired! :( But still darn HOT! =D~
My favorite Jin moment in this making clip is probably when he made a mistake and smiled in the middle of singing a line. So adorably cute~! <3

And Uebo looks so pretty~! <3 His lips are so...shiny and girly >.<

One thing I realized while watching this PV making: they totally do not bother to memorize the lyrics of their own song before shooting the PV!!! No wonder Kame makes mistakes during live perfs! and Jin smirks everytime >D

OMG Uebo-hime apparently did get a bit drunk! XD So hyper! And for a moment, when he posed, I thought "he's channeling Jin" XD

Waaaait, why did they keep Uebo until 5am?! He made that many mistakes?! but it was 2:30 when he started his solo shots, right?! Why so late?!

And what happened to Junno? Oh, wait, he had his solo shots in the morning. But didn't Koki have them in the morning and at night?! Now that I think about it, Koki seems to be the only one who did two solo shots. Or did Jin and Kame have two, too? hmm... *must watch again*

I have to admit, I never noticed the plate numbers on the cars until Koki pointed out that his plate number had his initials and birthday on it >.< But I only noticed his plate and Maru's!!! yet another excuse to watch again, lol XD

Hmm, no screencaps for this one because...well, I don't know exactly what to screencap. Oh wait, I HAVE to screencap Jin smiling!!! *will add later* xD


Hmmm, a high school friend of mine invited me to the UP fair tomorrow, and according to sirgallant it's usually from 6pm til 6am. So, it'll be from Feb13-14, if I do go.

But then, there's also a free concert, here, DLSU, and some of the bands are performing in both the UP fair and the DLSU University Week concert. Plus, UP is so far away~!!! But then I also kinda miss my high school friends...hmmm....

Maybe I should base my decision on whether or not it rains today or tomorrow. Joaqs said it's really muddy in UP if it rains, and I don't think I want to walk around in the mud for 12 hours.... XD

nishikido ryo, arashi, kat-tun, dorama, picspam, fangirling, akanishi jin, kanjani8

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