L-O-V-E Ohkura~! ♥♥♥

Nov 15, 2008 22:08

I wonder why I haven't felt like posting lately...I've posted 2entries a week since October, but I wasn't online every single day then...I guess part of me wants to finish Tesshi's birthday fic before posting anything else. But I can't get anyone to beta, or even read it and tell me if it sucks. Plus, I found a fic with a similar idea, and that just made me not want to write it anymore. *throws Tesshi-muse out the window for being so capricious*


I've had a strange fixation on GYOZA since October 30 (my 3rd birthday celebration, in a Japanese restaurant)
I'm turning into Massu!!! O.o

A thought just occurred to me tonight. If I turn into Massu, I'll be 1/2 of Tegomass! And I can spend lots of time with Tegoshi~!!! And I can feed my baby so that he won't be too thin, and fix his hair, and....
Ok, I have to stop now >.<

I wonder why I ended up writing a slightly Ryo-Tego fic instead of Tegomass... >.> Must be because it wasn't even supposed to have Tegoshi there! It was supposed to have Jin and/or Ryo, but unfortunately, Tegoshi-muse kidnapped Ryo-tan, so.. *sigh*

But my fixation with Gyoza, and my noticing Massu more lately, gives me a bad feeling >.> Massu-baby might sneak in to replace Tesshi-baby in my top3... BUT forwarned is forearmed! XD So hopefully, I will not steal yet another piggy from Nang Twixie change ichi/ni/san-bans soon... though I have a feeling I might have to delete the 3rd person >.>


Darnit!!! I feel like throwing a tantrum!!! I put off leaving to eat dinner because I was waiting for HYD final to load, and then when I came back, FIREFOX SAID THERE WAS AN ERROR AND IT NEEDED TO CLOSE!!! LESS THAN AN HOUR BEFORE I HAVE TO LEAVE!!! WTH firefox?!?!
So, I'm really hoping the movie will finish loading again so I can watch it tonight.

If all else fails...at least I have Ryo and Nino!!! Especially Ryo-chan~!!! (haven't watched Ryusei no Kizuna ep5 yet, I'm saving it for when I go back to my room XD )


Darnit, all day long, "Datte Idol Damon" has been playing in my head over and over and over again! >.< Uhm, Tacchon dear, you don't have to brainwash me, you're already my ichiban! XD maybe he's hypnotizing me so I can't change ichibans? XD

Datte Idol Damon, L-O-V-E OHKURA~!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

...somehow, I can't reconcile the fact that Tacchon's so tall with the way he sings this song... such a cutesy baby!!! XD
and Joaqs said he can't imagine a 6-foot-tall guy singing this cutesy song, either XD

real life, nishikido ryo, tegomass, masuda takahisa, fangirling, whatever, tegoshi yuya

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