Ryusei no Kizuna ep2 + upcoming birthday!

Oct 26, 2008 16:53

Ara~!!!! I watched Ryusei no Kizuna ep2 just now, with softsubs, yay~! it's so much fun~! Well, of course, there's a lot of drama in it, but still...

Warning: spoilers ahead!

* I think Koichi was too calm while the police were asking questions. I mean hello, he's just a kid and he just saw his parents' dead, bodies lying in pools of blood, with a knife sticking out of his mother's body!!!! Maybe he was in shock...?

* LOL!!! I TOTALLY didn't recognize Erika Toda with all that make-up on!!! Until she spoke, that is...and well, it helped that Ryo Taisuke and Hayashi-san identified her XD

It's even more hilarious that Koichi didn't recognize his own SISTER!!! When she'd been talking for sooooo long already! XD He apparently thought she was some sleazy girl Ryo Tai had picked up, muhuhahaha!! ;D

* Takayama is soooo kimoi~!!!! Hontou ni kimochi warui~! He's so icky...and I thought he looked familiar, so I checked on dramawiki...and he's the host in 1 Pound Gospel?!?! I hated his character there, too, ick! His characters are soooo hateable >.<

* LOL @ Nino Koichi when his "Ariake 3" was shot down as "lame" !!!it really was, in my opinion! >D

I just KNEW he'd made a logo or something with "Ariake 3" on it!!! >D Were those stickers...? :p

* Who in the world is that girl who keeps appearing in the shop where Koichi works, anyway?!

* Stupid Katayama, it's OBVIOUSLY the same person! @.@ Oh well, go "Ariake 3"! *gigglesnort*

*Ryo looks sooo HOT with those glasses!!! *drools* why can't he wear those more instead of the heavy black frames anyway?!?!! >.> Taisuke's character is getting cooler~! <333

Darn, they cut the ep just as it was getting reaaaally interesting! Will Takayama bite, or won't he? Argh, I have to wait til next week to find out! >.< (well, at least I'll have an internet connection that weekend, since I'll be at home ;D )
And if I guess correctly, Kaname Jun (the guy who shows up asking for Hayashi rice) is the murderer's son...I want to see what happens next!!!! Kyaaa!!! Meccha omoroi ya nen~!!!

It's gonna be my birthday really soon! Darn, I kinda don't want to turn 21 yet, but shikatanai... I don't know how I'll celebrate it, I was thinking of Yellow Cab, but... I dunno...
And darnit, that's gonna be my last OJT day! If only I hadn't gotten sick, I would've been finished last Friday, and not had to go on my birthday, darnit! But oh well..I just hope the people at the office don't expect me to treat everyone. I'm a broke student, after all, not earning a salary like they are >.<

PLUS, Johnny is intent on stealing all my money! darnit, I love Ryo, so it's pure torture that both NEWS and Kanjani8 released in the same month! AND NEWS is releasing a new album, too! Ugh, I don't know why I feel soooo compelled to buy JE stuff this term...

Oh, yeah, I saw a book on Kansai-ben yesterday!!! I sooo wanted to buy it!!! BUT it's kinda expensive (Php900+) so I didn't...maybe I can get my dad to buy it for me! >D I'll just have to drag him to that out-of-the-way bookstore...good thing he loves that bookstore ;D I should've gone with him last time he was here, because he kept bringing up that place and I kept saying it was too far... >.>

Current birthday wishlist:
1. BIGGER HARD DISK!!!! (preferably 250GB or higher) -> I hope I can get this from my parents >.>
3. Musekinin Hero LE (Unit version) just canceled my order though, so if anyone wants to give me a copy... *bats eyelashes*
4. Kansai-ben book

Well, soon after my birthday, it'll be Ryo-chan's~! And then Tesshi's~! <333 I'll just have to bear with being "older" than Tesshi for 2 weeks... I'll be 21 and he'll still be 20 ;_; Oh well, shikatanai~!
*sings Happy Birthday by NEWS*

real life, nishikido ryo, dorama, picspam, fangirling, ryusei no kizuna

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