Claims (part 3) {I might need therapy! blogcrews addicts anonymous?}

Aug 28, 2008 18:41

ooooookaaaay, as proof that blogcrews are overly addictive... I need a 3rd claim post!

Edit (Aug 19, 2008) for the first time in more than 3 months, I claimed again. Because Keicee made a blogrew out of the Bambina lyrics, which I told her I love. So.
In celebration of my having a new ichiban yes, again!!! I'm so fickle >.< I'm moving my Tacchon to this post! So now, he's here so there's a separate post for each of my current "ichibans" yes,there are three: Tegoshi Yuya, Nishikido Ryo and Ohkura Tadayoshi~! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Ohkura Tadayoshi


before going to bed last night,
Ohkura Tadayoshi (my newest ichiban) sang this song to me.

"Carina, naked as you are, Carina, feel more
like or love? let me hear your answer
Every time our bodies lie on top of one another
it's like an electric shock running through me
Show me, I want all of you
pretty, lovely Carina"

he was looking straight at my eyes...
and i was blushing madly. ♥♥
... and i fell for it. ♥

"Aishiteru, ~愛してる~ Yna-chan" ~ Ohkura Tadayoshi

IN A WORLD OF ★ SIX BILLION ★,【 Ohkura Tadayoshi 】ONLY SEES →ME←.

One night, Ohkura Tadayoshi couldn't sleep so he  sneaked into my room and cuddled up against me! ♥

-Ohkura Tadayoshi- said that he'll always protect me from everything bad in this world..
~No matter what..~
Awww, i think i love him even more now! ♥

→ I received a
from [Ohkura Tadayoshi] with his
enclosed in it ←

I RUNAWAY from my CRAZY LIFE to free my WILD SOUL !!
But, Ohkura Tadayoshi came to me and say ,
" Will you be MY GIRLFRIEND ? "

Ohkura Tadayoshi

DAMN! I would ♥l-o-v-e♥ to be ⇥Ohkura Tadayoshi's⇤ Microphone!

Ohkura Tadayoshi invited me over his house one night to watch a horror movie. Oh my. I jumped into his arms during a scary scene and he comforted me by saying "It's okay. I'll protect you from evil guys like that ;D"

++ one of my cutest dreams is having [Ohkura Tadayoshi] as my teacher -- the hottest sensei ever. *^.^* ++

When the wind blows cold & the snow falls, Ohkura Tadayoshi puts his warm jacket on me.

I had a picnic with Ohkura Tadayoshi in middle of the beautiful cherry blossoms, but he told me "You are even prettier than the prettiest blossom!" (^o^)丿

♥ [ Ohkura Tadayoshi ] = daily dose of drug
[sthu I won't die :D] ♥

Ohkura Tadayoshi is my g u i l t y PLEASURE

{Ohkura Tadayoshi} served me breakfast in bed,
while *ONLY* wearing an apron


Multiple Claims

♫ I married ♥『Nishikido Ryo』♥ , and we adopted 『Yamada Ryosuke 』 to complete our happy little FAMILY!

I saw ☆★ Tegoshi Yuya ★☆ and ★☆ Nishikido Ryo☆ ★ ♆F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G♆ ☼ one day ☼…
and later found out they were fighting over M.E.! ♥

•° I would like to have Tacchon as my brother,
Tesshi as my best friend and Ryo-chan as my lover! °•

♥ I married Tegoshi Yuya but cheated him off with Nishikido Ryo >> BLOGCREW
*I'm soooo sorry, I couldn't resist Ryo!*

❤ 「 Nishikido Ryo 」 • 「 Tegoshi Yuya 」 • 「 Ueda Tatsuya 」 → puzzle pieces of my S O U L ❤

☆♥  Aww, Tegoshi Yuya & Nishikido Ryo both said they love me. 

For my B-DAY Ohkura Tadayoshi took me to his place where Nishikido Ryo waited for US with a ROMANTIC DINNER
xwhimsyx is「 Masuda Takahisa」to my「Tegoshi Yuya」♥

I Woke up this morning
wondering why I can't move, then I realized that Tegoshi Yuya and Ohkura Tadayoshi were hugging me on each side.

When I played TWISTER: THE HOT SPOT with {the JE boys}, {Nishikido Ryo} ended up moving his LEFT HAND to YELLOW his RIGHT LEG toRED, and since he had such difficulties, he FELL on TOP of ME. Then, {Uchi Hiroki} started to take PICTURES OF US and placed them all over the ROOM.

╬i had a hot three-way with ››Tegoshi Yuya‹‹ & ››Ohkura Tadayoshi‹‹, and I got it on tape, damn i'm lucky╬

Tegoshi Yuya and I went on a DATE but Nishikido Ryo saw us and got JEALOUS!!

Tegoshi Yuya & Nishikido Ryo say only I can come between them.

♥♥ [ TegoMass] came to [the Philippines] and held a concert with ME in it. ♫♫
~ ★ I went camping with {Tegoshi Yuya} and {Ueda Tatsuya}.
We had a lot of fun!! ♥ ★ ~

Tegoshi Yuya & I went on a Double Date with Masuda Takahisa & xwhimsyx ♥ .

Matsuda Shota

♫ I married ♥『Matsuda Shota』♥ , and we adopted 『Yagi Yuki 』 to complete our happy little FAMILY!

Matsuda Shota is my
special angel

Matsuda Shota holds the
to my

+ on white day, Matsuda Shota gave me a dozen roses, a ENORMOUS box of chocolates, and a romantic dinner while watching the sunset +

[彡VERB. n. (i) Matsuda Shota (ii) it's what who I do ;)]

[彡VERB. n. (i) Nishikado Soujiro (ii) it's what who I do ;)]

*Matsuda Shota* said that his BODY is like an amusement park ride and that I'll be the first one in line to ride it.


Masuda Takahisa 』 is my own personal teddy bear. I can't sleep without him in my arms~! ♥


♫Right before school ended, I heard ♪Yamada Ryosuke♪ sing a song for me over the INTERCOM♫

₪ On Valentine’s Day, -Raissa- and I had a fight over +Wu Zun+ and when he had to choose, he CHOSE ME! ₪

Chinen Yuri gave me a jar of paper stars to make my wish come true. ★ ★ The truth is...I wished for him. ♥

★ I’m the only one in his heart
» Chinen Yuri ミ★

I am Vaness Wu's twin. ★★

~ All i need is Matsumoto Jun's love

Matsumoto Jun
→ and I blushed

*Matsumoto Jun* woke up one day and REALIZED that I was the ONLY ONE he could see in his EYES

♥ Yabu Kota is my fatal attraction

☆ 『Sakurai Sho』♥cuddle♥ me in HIS bed with ♥hugs and kisses♥ ALL NIGHT LONG until I fell asleep in the arms of his HOT & SEXY BODY ♥♥♥ ☆

☆【 Okada Junichi】 came on my door knocking saying:"Did you forget this at my house last night?" I blushed as I saw my underwear firmly tangeled between his fingers.☆

『In our winter holiday to ASPEN, 《Shibutani Subaru》 taught me how to ski and warmed me after at the fireplace in our lodge ❤』

YOU [KAT-TUN]→ is my anti-drug

♥ Ai No Matador by NEWS will be the death of me♥

YOU by KAT-TUN⌋ is my summer breeze~ ♫

anime OP&ED ♫ 「It's Gonna Rain - Bonnie Pink (Ruroni Kenshin)」

anime OP&ED ♫ 「Let Me Be With You - Round Table (Chobits)」


blogcrew claims, whatever, j-artists

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