Nov 20, 2010 17:41
It's 51 degrees in my house. But not for long! I finally turned the heat on just a minute ago. It'll be 64 in no time. I was thinking about waiting until Thanksgiving to turn it on, but I think 51 is cold enough. Plus, I finally managed to get my furnace filter changed today.
It took forever! First was the problem of figuring just where the heck the thing was. The internet came to the rescue and after finding a nice diagram of my kind of furnace, I figured it out. Then came the hard part - getting access to the blower compartment. I managed to smash a knuckle in the process. It's bruised and swollen but doesn't bother me except that I keep bumping it against things.
More important is that I did it all by myself! \0/ I've been teaching myself all sorts of basic home maintenance in preperation for...home ownership! (Scary!) Next up on my list of things to learn is how to fix a leaky bathtub faucet. I have to go to the hardware store before I try that one. And find out where the master valve is to shut off the water.
things to do,