Hope those of you from the States enjoyed your holiday today. (And everyone else, hope you had a great day too!) My house now smells distinctly of pumpkin pie since I baked two this morning. I'm so happy they turned out well! Crust included.
Last year when I made pie crust I found out the hard way that my recipe had a typo.... There's a big difference between 't' and 'T'. Ah, but it's all fixed and now I'm a pie crust master! Muahahaha. (Now watch the next pie I make be a complete flop.)
Had dinner with the family. Pretty traditional stuff for the most part. Turkey (traditional except that it was fried not roasted and we gave it a little mild cajun seasoning just because), dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cole slaw, deviled eggs, rolls and of course, my pie! (Oh, and the left over potato peelings were cooked up in the same oil as the turkey after it had finished. Added a bit of seasoning and we had homemade chips...except not all of them were quite crispy. They were still tasty though, so no complaining.)
Ok, so let's hear it! What was your menu like today?