Mar 06, 2018 22:12
You didn't leave them. Stuff didn't work out. You still had Boyd and Bee. Then Bee betrayed you over feminism, and you went and found Ben. And Ben was beautiful. I'm so sorry. Ben ran away with a narcissist. Ben loved you. Then he did this. You left Boyd because it was time to leave that life. She betrayed first, you had a fight, then you thought better of continuing the friendship after she contacted you twice. That's how much she loved you. You are loved. But Ben and Tara took it all away from you. Two and a half years and Ben hasn't returned. Not a peep, nothing after what he and that bitch did. But remember you're lovable, even though this has harmed you beyond measure. Remember that you fought the world and the Gods for what you wanted. This is not a mistake. Remember that. You are on the right path, and if it looks otherwise its the Gods that made a mistake, not you. Death first. Ben or death. This may be my last entry. If anyone ever looks at this, know I died for something most people couldn't fathom. I don't intend to be back.