
blah blah blah

Nov 17, 2009 12:17

I hate waiting. Both Lost Souls and A Stop on the Road should be returning with a yea or nay by the end of November, and I'm really hoping that Lost Souls gets back before the 30th so I can toss over to Tesseracts 14 if it doesn't get accepted. If I could make it into two Tesseracts anthologies... well, I could call myself a "real" Canadian SF writer at that point, and make geeky strangers buy me drinks because of it.

And then there's Nano. I hit a snag at 18,500 or thereabouts - my MC needs to do some thinking, planning, etc, and I realized that my shakey antagonist's motivation just doesn't cut it. Plus I'd like to go back and redo some setting and add some piskies. I really don't think I'm going to make 50,000 by the end of November - I might have to reschedual for the end of December. I'm still not 100% enamoured with it, but I want to finish the bugger, just to prove that I can.

And who knows? Sometimes things I think are trunk stories are better than I first thought - a la A Stop on the Road.

And sometimes there're really not. :P

nano, writers block, writing

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