Recent JA and JP

May 20, 2010 16:32

I have never really said much on the personal of these two lovely actors. But for some reason I just feel like commenting.

I don't know them and can not speak for them, but since they are actors and married actresses, they know what they walked into when fans have opinions, it may not be fair but really? its life and that's the way it long as people are not violent and bodily invasive, then...fair game.

Now, that being said, I am sorry but I just don't buy it! Niether relationship seems "in love" I have seen couples in-love, in-like, in the process of breaking up, in friendship and not really knowing how to end it, and in "whatever", as a photographer, I have learned to read people, and I really can not see it with these two couples.

I will say I think that GC really cares deeply for JP, you can see an affection there but the others--nope. It all seems so posed and manufactured.

Now, I am not saying they are gay for each other or anything like that, but it does not seem that either of these two marriages was because you "are just so in love with that person you can't see yourself without"--I wish them all the luck in the world and hell, maybe they are just the most awesomest actors on earth and can fool the lens, but honestly....

So, pardon me anyone who is offended, I am not nay saying or wishing ill will on any of these four but just was tired of seeing images and trying to be sold a bill of goods that just doesn't add up.


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