wmc jill/lindsay Taking the Steps ch22

Jan 17, 2010 16:24

title                      Taking the Steps   ch 22    Operation Bernhardt and Boxer
pairing                Jill and Lindsay
rating                 15 yrs
disclaimer         I don't own these characters in any way shape or form

Jill stared at the ceiling and listened to the quiet of the hospital on the night shift. She had finally been able to get Lindsay to go home with Claire's help. She was glad for the time alone. Her friends had been with her constantly, they had scheduled their days to keep her company. Jill sighed. She knew by their faces that they were worried about her. She hated the feeling of being needy and despite her nightmares and fears she was not going to keep leaning on them. She was due to be released in two days and there was no way she was staying with Claire and Ed. She loved them for the offer but she had just moved out of there and she wasn't about to move back in. No, it was time to stand on her own again. Fleetingly, she thought about Lindsay and wished she could lean on her. She remembered how safe those arms had always felt. Jill rolled her eyes sure Cindy would be thrilled if she crawled into their bed. Hey Cindy, don't mind me. I'm just going to crawl into your bed and wrap myself around your lover for the next thirty or forty years and never let go. Carry on..... god, I'm pathetic!

The blonde rubbed her eyes wincing as she brushed some bruising. She hated hospitals. She'd been in several as a kid. Smiling resignedly, Jill remembered some of the more memorable stays after being hit by one foster parent or another. Johnny, from the group home, had broken her arm. Jill wondered what had happened to him and suspected he was either dead or in prison. Her thoughts drifted to Peters. He'd never taken her to a doctor after a beating much less a hospital. She was still impressed with herself for just up and leaving. She still remembered leaving school and walking, passed the bus stop and passed the other students. Susan had shouted to her but she had just kept walking and never looked back. It had been rough and scary. The streets had been their own nightmare but she'd managed until the authorities finally found her. Thank god they had decided to put her in the group home. Johnny was nothing compared to Peters.

“ Psst! “

Frowning, Jill looked towards the door and stared at Cindy and her photographer friend. The two slipped inside.

“ I know it's late but...” Cindy grinned holding up a papercup.

“ Coffee? Real coffee? Cindy, you can have my first born.” Jill brightened reaching greedily for the cup. Laughing, the redhead handed it to her then sat on the edge of the bed.

“ So, where's Linds?”

“ Don't worry munchkin, she's gone home.” Jill answered smelling the caffeine with a smile.

“ Well, that's good. She looked rough around the edges.” Cindy smiled. Jill nodded in agreement and eyed her young friend then sniffed her. Cindy giggled,

“ What?”

“ Have you been drinking? Cindy Loo, where have you been?” Jill smiled teasingly. Her blue eyes went icy as Chloe looped her arms around Cindy's neck. Innocently, Cindy got up and said,

“ We just came from a bar and now I'm on my way. Enjoy your coffee.”

Chloe burst into laughter as they got in the elevator. Cindy chuckled,

“ Operation Bernhardt and Boxer is underway.”

“ Did you see the look she gave me?! “

“ Oh, it wasn't half as bad as the one she gave me. Jill is pissed.” Cindy exclaimed gleefully.


Hanson looked up and greeted Lindsay with a smile as she entered the room. The woman virtually ignored him as she eyed Leonard Peters. Absolute hate rolled off of her as she looked at the man that had hurt Jill. There was no doubt in her mind that Peters was involved in his daughter's actions and had orchestrated the original kidnapping of the blonde and seeing him sitting there with that smug look was turning her stomach. The thought of Peters touching Jill made her blood boil.

“ Inspector Boxer. “ Peters smiled

“ Thought you might like to know your daughter has been buried.” Lindsay said coolly.

Peters didn't react at all. Hanson North looked from him to Lindsay. The lanky Inspector rested her weight on one hip and asked,

“ Don't you care even a little?”

“ We weren't close.” he shrugged running his finger along the lip of a papercup. Lindsay's insides tightened.

“ Oh come on Peters, Susan did your bidding. Not even a little twinge of family loyalty?”

“ Susan was an embarrassment.”

“ I bet you wish Jill was your daughter.”

“ Jill. How is Jill?” Peters asked smiling.

“ She's fine. She plans to be present at your sentencing.” Lindsay grated.

“ I miss seeing her. She's so lovely. Slender little thing isn't she?” he sneered.

“ You've enjoyed keeping track of her haven't you? You think you've gotten away with everything.”

“ I have always been fond of Jill. She's fond of me too.” he said not prepared for the fist that hit him The chair toppled over sending him to the floor. Enraged he touched his jaw.

“ You bitch! I'm pressing charges! North, you're my witness!”

“ To what?” Hanson asked innocently.

“ You saw her hit me!” Peters yelled.

“ I saw you trip and hit your face off the table then knock over your chair. “ the lawyer replied.

Lindsay darted a look at Hanson and smiled her gratitude. Hanson stood up and leaned over Peters,

“ Jill Bernhardt is a friend of mine. Understand? You put her in the hospital? Believe me, I take that personally.”

“ Got your eye on her do you? I've had her North and I don't give back what's mine.” Peters hissed wiping blood from his mouth. Lindsay's fingers itched to take out her gun.

“ You think she's yours? Funny, I always had the impression she was interested in someone else. But, you're right, she's one helluva woman which is why you'll never own her and you'll never break her not like your daughter broke.”

“ I'll have her just like I had all of them including Susan! That stupid cow couldn't follow simple instructions!”

“ She got her to the house didn't she?”

“ She was supposed to stay there!”

“ But she didn't did she. Susan went and got herself killed.” Lindsay said coldly trying to egg him on. Peters eyed her and shut up. Lindsay was frustrated beyond words as Hanson physically led her out of the room. In the doorway she paused,

“ Take a good look around because you'll only have an eight by eight room soon. And where you're going? They don't care for child rapists!”

“ Lindsay, out!” Hanson ordered. Turning he eyed Leonard Peters and straightened his tie,

“ You'll be needing a new lawyer, I'm done.”

Lindsay covered her face with her hands and paced angrily as Hanson leaned casually against a wall and watched her stew. Furiously she pointed towards the room they had just left.

“ That bastard deserves to rot!”

“ Absolutely.”

“ I know I shouldn't have hit him but he deserves worse!”

“ Absolutely.”

“ You could have left me hanging in there-”

“ Absolutely.”

“ Hanson-”

“ What?”

“ Stop saying absolutely.” Lindsay sighed. Hanson chuckled and fixed his cufflink. Lindsay smiled and said softly,

“ Thank you.”

“ You're welcome.”

“ Why did you- you know.”

“ I'm a confirmed bachelor Lindsay but if I was ever to go after a female with the goal of marrying her it would be Jill Bernhardt. But like I said, she's taken.”

“ She's not with anyone.” Lindsay replied.

“ Isn't she? Hey, Jill never denied she liked to bat for both teams.” Hanson grinned his smile widening as Lindsay stared at him. Walking passed her, Hanson said,

“I'm one of the best at what I do and you know why? I can read people like nobody's business. I've seen the way she looks at you and believe me that sucker punch you just threw speaks volumes about your feelings towards our favourite DDA.”

“ Hanson.”

“ Yeah?” he smirked as she reddened. Grinning sheepishly she whispered,

“ Thank you.”

“ Don't mention it. Just look after her. She needs an anchor.” he said suddenly embarrassed.


Claire was putting on her coat when Lindsay arrived in Jill's room. Lindsay greeted her friends then

eyed Jill.

“ How are you feeling?”

“ Getting there. I get to go home tomorrow.” Jill answered.

“ Not alone you don't.” Claire frowned.

“ She can stay with me.” Lindsay replied immediately.

Claire smiled at her eagerness. Lindsay realized where Claire's thoughts were going and glared warningly at her. Claire raised up both hands and then walked to the bed. Leaning over she kissed Jill then was gone.

“ Is that dinner?” Lindsay asked studying the untouched tray. Jill nodded,

“ Want it? It's gross.”

Lindsay shrugged and sat down on the edge of the bed then began tucking away the mystery meat. Jill fidgeted uneasily,

“ So, I haven't seen Cindy today.”

“ Hmm, assignment deadline. She and Chloe are headed over to Oakland.” Lindsay replied absently.

“ Oh Chloe too?”

“ Yeah, nice girl.” Lindsay answered, “ Do you want the salad?”

Jill smiled faintly and shook her head. Lindsay glanced at her and said,

“Hanson North?”

“ Hanson? What about him?” Jill asked tiredly.

“ I think I get why you had sex on a desk with him.” Lindsay smirked. Blue eyes got round then tracked to the door as Tom strode in.

“ Lindsay! Jill.”

“ Hello Tom, nice of you to visit.” Jill said flippantly as she tried to hide her flustered reaction concerning Hanson.

“ I'm looking for Linds. You hit Peters?! What the hell were you thinking!?” Tom exclaimed.

“ Who said I hit Peters?” Lindsay demanded.

“ Peters is screaming police brutality!”

“ Hanson North was right there!” Lindsay retorted with feigned indignation.

“ And for some reason he's covering your ass!” Tom shouted.

“ Is there a point to this Tom?!” Lindsay demanded. Jill smiled realizing why North was suddenly ok in Lindsay's book.

“ You're too emotionally involved in this case Lindsay!”

“ Damn right I am and unless you're here to take my badge, I suggest you leave!” Lindsay retorted angrily.

Jill smirked and waited until Tom's footsteps died away then eyed her best friend.

“ You hit Peters?”

“ Oh yeah.”

“ Hard?” Jill asked with interest. Lindsay chuckled and held up her hands.

“ Does the right one look swollen to you?” she asked with a satisfied smirk. Jill looked at her in amazement and Lindsay felt her stomach flip flop. God she wanted to kiss her senseless.

“ Do you want the pudding? “ Lindsay asked instead. The blonde chuckled and shook her head.

jill, wmc, lindsay

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