Title: Our Voices
Rating: PG-13
Length: 20K
Pairings: pre Sam/Kurt, mentions of most original couples
Spoilers: Up to episode 2x19, Rumours
Summary: The story of How Sam Evans's Life Got Worse and Then Better, or perhaps How Sam Evans Got to Know and Appreciate Kurt Hummel. A very slightly AU rewriting of Season 2, from Duets to Rumours.
Our Voices: Full Circle, Part 2 )
First of all, the writing itself is beautiful and captivating. Normally I prefer a lot of dialogue in a story, but you made it unnecessary with the way that you orchestrated things. We stayed in Sam's head and saw the world through his eyes in such a way that the only things we needed to know are presented in a carefully crafted narration. It was wonderful.
Second, I have to rave about how amazing this head canon is, and how I'm so impressed by your ability to stay in canon with just a few behind-the-scenes additions. The Sam/Kurt friendship, the way you slowly built it from tutoring sessions to full-blown emotional support was lovely. The progression was well-paced and believable, as is their whole relationship.
I loved the little things in this - the Kurt-music, Sam's desire to hold strong with his bonds with his siblings, Quinn's acceptance of Sam's situation because she knows how hard it is to have to leave one's home - they were all moving in their own way, adding to the emotional depth of the story.
I just really, really enjoyed this story. It was so well done, so full of life. I couldn't stop reading.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm very glad you decided to post it online! This is one of those stories that you walk away from feeling better for having read it. :-)
Your comments on the narration mean so much to me; the shameful truth is I'm absolutely incapable of writing dialogue, I have to actually force myself to include some. Even when I start a fanfiction with the firm intention of making my poor characters *talk* for once I realise three pages later they haven't said a word yet. I try to make it as interesting as possible, considering I don't enjoy big blocks of text myself, so knowing that you liked it is really amazing.
The fact that you even liked my head canon is...devastatingly awesome, there are no other words for it. The whole time I was writing there was a voice in my head going "why are you even changing the canon informations? There's plenty of angst in the episode, why would you even want to change it? Think of all the explanations you could avoid if you just followed canon!" so once again, it's extremely reassuring and flattering to know you liked it <3
And then your description of this as "full of life", aaah, thank you so much, that's such a wonderful thing to read!
All in all this was an absolutely breath-taking comment to receive and I really can't thank you enough for taking the time to share your thoughts :)
Hugs!! <3
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