I think I need to take the computer in on Saturday--I strongly suspect I screwed something up when I was trying to update a program. Wah.
Anyway, I was pondering on my lack of fanfic writing until after a story/series is done. When I thought about it, most of what I've written, posted or not, completed or not, are for things that finished before I started typing. I'm sure there were exceptions to this, although the only one I can think of at the moment was a small, all but forgotten "missing scene" during season two of Lois & Clark. FMA sort of doesn't count, since the ideas I had were based on the anime version (sans movie).
I might get plot bunnies while reading/watching something, but I usually let them sit and simmer and basically wait on a back burner until I reach the final installment; Saiyuki and Harry Potter are the two big groups simmering at the moment. Oh yeah, I forgot about that HP/Saiyuki fragment I posted a few years ago. ^_^a I guess I have a very strong aversion to getting
It seems like I'm in the minority on this, which is just as well; if everyone did this, there'd be no fanfic to read, and HP some fandoms may have become even more insane while waiting between installments. ;D