
how would you use orthogonally?

Apr 09, 2006 08:33

[ mood |
cold ]

[08:29] hmm.. how would you use the word "orthogonally"?
(to vrm) I would use it normally, why?
[08:30] bit, mini-golf (yes) or study (no)?
[08:30] NO
[08:30] You're not my mom!
[08:30] pauamma: uh, like an example sentence?
[08:30] * Jennie is away: mini-golf
[08:31] "At a right-angle to", either literally or conceptually, vrm.
[08:31] vrm, "how would you use the word 'orthogonally'?"
[08:31] There's a more excessively mathematical definition, but most people mean that one.
(to vrm) No, pun.
[08:32] (See, "normal" is also "at a right angle to".)
[08:32] think how you'd use the word diagonally?
[08:32] oh
[08:32] *bumps*
[08:33] heh okay. but puns aside, how do you fit it into a sentence?
[08:33] The use of puns is orthogonal to the transmission of information.
[08:33] (It neither assists nor impedes it.)
[08:34] but that's another pun!
(to idonotlikepeas) That's only if you look at it from the right angle.
[08:34] Just using the word 'pun' doesn't make it a pun! Or /does/ it...
[08:35] * vrm blinks harder
[08:35] understanding puns is a huge part of growing a vocabulary.
[08:35] Eh, I prefer to get things good and square myself.
(to vrm) No. A straight line is the shortest path between two puns. An angle isn't a straight line, so...
[08:35] bekithewitch: *nods*
[08:36] * bekithewitch decides not to go off at a tangent
[08:36] the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line -- it's a middleman.  and the more middlement, the shorter.  such is the psychology of a pretzel.
[08:36] bekithewitch: uh yea, would appreciate that much. d=
[08:36] * remark memorized that line from the fountainhead
[08:36] *** JennieLynn (Jennie@ip68-102-20-100.ks.ok.cox.net) has joined #lj_support
[08:36] s/middlement/middlemen/
[08:36] fountainhead>> abe? rah? who?
[08:36] Ewww, Ayn Rand.
[08:37] ayn rand?
[08:37] * PauAmma considers, then declines to sine up on bekithewitch's decision.
[08:37] *** Neb|Out_ (chatzilla@ has joined #lj_support
[08:37] * remark cosines
[08:37] *** stevieg (sgweb@S010600119507837d.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #lj_support
[08:37] * remark cosines
[08:37] *** stevieg (sgweb@S010600119507837d.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #lj_support
[08:37] wow, I should've read it before I sined it.  this has a lot of tangents.
[08:37] ...
[08:38] o_O
[08:38] uh, i'm kinda still stuck at the origin d=
[08:38] *** Neb|Out (chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:38] *** stevieg is now known as stevieg|work
[08:38] *** Neb|Out_ is now known as Neb|Out
[08:38] *** Jennie (Jennie@ip68-102-20-100.ks.ok.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:38] well, once you get started, it's a slippery slope
[08:38] but that first part is integral to the rest
(to remark) Now you're being elliptic.
[08:39] don't be obtuse
[08:39] bah. Can't type fast enough.
[08:39] * PauAmma is having a field day.
[08:39] * remark too :D
[08:39] i feel accutely obtuse now
(to vrm) Because we're running rings around you?
[08:40] very much!
(to vrm) That's because we're series about pushing your limits.
[08:41] if you want, we can taylor this series to suit you
[08:41] ... damn
[08:41] beat me to the series joke
[08:42] i might just fall off the plane
(to remark) Fourier information, I have lots of experience with punning in general and math puns specifically.
[08:42] hee
[08:43] vrm, if you stay in your quadrant, you'll be fine
[08:43] *nods weakly*
(to remark) But if you're abel to match me, all the more power to you.
[08:43] it's only natural

mots, #lj_support, humour, logs - irc

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