they're collective nouns. hmmm when you're referring to a group of objects (people, things, animals etc), you usually use a special term for it, for example when you see hundreds of ants together, you'll say they are "a colony of ants". come to think of it, i don't seem to have learnt anything like this in french...
Un banc de poissons! HA! :) yay I remember hehe I must admit that sometimes I forget few words or expressions in French because the last 4 years have been spent mostly speaking/thinking in English so ya know... =)
well, at least you've got your basics there so when you switch back to french, it's still manageable! i haven't been having chinese lessons in ages so mine gets quite rusty too.
Mmmh there must be few in French too, I just can't think of any as for now!
Un troupeau d'éléphants.
Une montagne de documents.
There :D! haha
I must admit that sometimes I forget few words or expressions in French because the last 4 years have been spent mostly speaking/thinking in English so ya know... =)
un banc de poissons! that feels rich heh. *grins*
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