I have hopped from
Feel-good Librarian to yet another cool blog by
The Vampire Librarian.
I was commenting on FGL's blog that she has rekindled the desire to become a librarian some day. It's true. When I was in primary school, I sometimes lamented how I joined band too soon ( I still love band in spite of all the complaints and laziness to get up ) and how envious I am of lao Merle and Boon May as librarians. I'm not sure which first sparked off this ambition. Reading Matilda? Or all the times spent in the GE library, envious at all the things Frankie got to do ( haha ), or how librarians get to immerse themselves in the cosy environment as work! /* Those were the days when libraries weren't full of bright lights and sleek metal */ Little wonder that library was one of my must-join CCAs in RGS and TJ ( though I left both for different reasons eventually... ). Maybe it was the St Nicholas library that left me kinda disenchanted cuz nobody seems to care particularly ( maybe I was myopic in my opinion ). Maybe because when work piled last year, doing my duties instead of spending precious time catching up on Mrs Tag's tutorials left me kinda.. resentful? Not quite the word I picture, but that must do for now.
I can't remember if I've written here before ( too lazy to check memories too ) about this. The role - both the given job scope and the perceived image - of a librarian abroad seems quite different from that of the local librarians. I rarely witness or hear of librarians here being admired as oracles to run to for answers. All they're thought of as is people who arrange books, give vague answers on finding items, and offer slow services at counters. At least, within the adolescent group, librarians are painted as boring, straight-laced nerds. In fact when Mr Seow was giving us lectures on searching techniques, we were all pretty complacent, comparable to teaching your grandma to suck eggs ( etymology? ).
But reading these two blogs, it left me feeling overwhelmed by the dynamic and fulfilling lifestyle a librarian enjoys. To have the wealth of information at your fingertips. To be depended upon ( and chucked amusment with it ). To be the curators of knowledge! The passion is intrinsic. (=
I'm considering this path. What qualifications will I need? And how feasible is it, though? Haha, if I do become one, since "The Vampire Librarian" is taken, maybe it'll be "The Moonfish Librarian"? d=