When Yoochun tries to get out of the taxi, Junsu grabs his wrist so tight that his fingers go all the way around it screaming desperation and something like violence. And Junsu says: "Stay." His calm voice a contradiction
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I'm currently at ~3100 words. But I probably shouldn't give you too much more before I'm done lest I ruin the fic for you.
It's difficult because I want him to be likeable but still sort of desperate and needy and broken. I'll see how it balances out in the end though and then maybe tone that bit down a little, I guess.
just make him batshit insane! *kicked* :|| but not batshit like Ryo in Last Friends :| that's the only batshit i can't handle. i swear i'm only watching the series for Eita right now. [/random]
He will definitely end up a little insane but not too much, and definitely not Ryo in Last friends crazy. D: I only watched the first episode of that and was like 'why so serious, japanese drama?' Also, I can't believe JE let Ryo play that part. And Eita's so amazing, with his crazy outsized ears.
oh good then :) why so srs is right :||| mmm yeah. i always knew Ryo had dark characters in him but that is a weird choice on JE's part. i usually don't like Eita that much but i've just realised that's because he always gets the crappy roles. when they give him something neat to tackle he rocks it.
not yet :( well i found a lot of people scalping on trademe and stuff but i'm gonna wait a bit longer....*crosses fingers*
I'm not sure it'll be great for Ryo's image because even though he was already seen as a bit bratty and cruel, his image wasn't scary crazy. But, yeah, Eita almost always plays the guy with not much character who ends up second best. I still like him though. :3
Oh. ): Well, I'm sure something good'll come along if you keep checking.
hmmm yeah. idk though. i think that the johnny's who are good at acting do get quite a lot of leeway with their roles, the film Midnight Riders Kita-san Yaji-san comes to mind. and i think the treatment of Ryo's character in LF is pretty sympathetic! i like Eita now ♥~
idk but I think there was quite a bit of controversy around something Subaru (from K8) was in? Because I think there was sex & violence or smthng? I don't really remember. But I just looked up the film you mentioned and lolwhut. Also, I kind of guessed that they'd look at Ryo's character in a sympathetic light but I've only seen the first episode so... & yay, fellow Eita-liker! :D
ah yeah but i think he was a junior at the time? and he was going against their wishes i guess. i suspect the higher your popularity the more space you have to do what you want. lol yeah, it's a good film! i wrote on it in comparison to the original text one year.
Yeah, I think he was. & yeah, I guess you would get more leverage once you were established and popular. It sounds bizarre but I imagine it would be good to write about.
*hopes for fruitful searching*
mimei, there's this sparklyawful thing on TV right now!"£$%^ It's called The Tudors and it's the most historically inaccurate thing ever. The clothes are so intricately wonderful but so impossible and everyone's having sex with everyone. The amount of gay so far has been quite awesome, too.
i am the wrong person to judge, due to my love for many things fucked-up, and the OOOO INTERESTINGness that is possessive, slightly-violent Su :D
It's difficult because I want him to be likeable but still sort of desperate and needy and broken. I'll see how it balances out in the end though and then maybe tone that bit down a little, I guess.
just make him batshit insane! *kicked* :|| but not batshit like Ryo in Last Friends :| that's the only batshit i can't handle. i swear i'm only watching the series for Eita right now. [/random]
He will definitely end up a little insane but not too much, and definitely not Ryo in Last friends crazy. D: I only watched the first episode of that and was like 'why so serious, japanese drama?' Also, I can't believe JE let Ryo play that part. And Eita's so amazing, with his crazy outsized ears.
p.s. did you manage to find cheap PATD tickets?
oh good then :) why so srs is right :||| mmm yeah. i always knew Ryo had dark characters in him but that is a weird choice on JE's part. i usually don't like Eita that much but i've just realised that's because he always gets the crappy roles. when they give him something neat to tackle he rocks it.
not yet :( well i found a lot of people scalping on trademe and stuff but i'm gonna wait a bit longer....*crosses fingers*
I'm not sure it'll be great for Ryo's image because even though he was already seen as a bit bratty and cruel, his image wasn't scary crazy. But, yeah, Eita almost always plays the guy with not much character who ends up second best. I still like him though. :3
Oh. ): Well, I'm sure something good'll come along if you keep checking.
*keeps checking*~ still two days.
I hope you find a reasonably priced one, bb~
*searches moar*
*hopes for fruitful searching*
mimei, there's this sparklyawful thing on TV right now!"£$%^ It's called The Tudors and it's the most historically inaccurate thing ever. The clothes are so intricately wonderful but so impossible and everyone's having sex with everyone. The amount of gay so far has been quite awesome, too.
AHAHAH DYING! i've seen bits of that! isn't it ridic? and everyone's goodlooking like whuuuuuut.
EXACTLY! It's completely ridic. I can't tell any of them apart though? XD;
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