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Oct 20, 2004 11:24

Well, y'all, nothing too exciting has been going on around here lately, but I thought it might be about time for an update. As of yesterday, the semester is officially half over, which means I'm finally convinced that I really will make it! Yes, my job is great, but it's about three times more work than I was expecting, and for the first month or so, I was perpetually way behind and frantic. I'm settling in now, though: preparing lecture notes the day before I need them at the latest, grading everything and returning it next class, etc. I've got a little cycle going now. Also, I finally know the names of most of my students and we're getting pretty comfortable with each other. That makes things a lot less nerve-racking.
My department head came to one of my classes to evaluate me today. I think it went ok. It was by no means a stellar lecture, but I did fine, and my students asked some good questions. Basically, if that class wasn't good enough (unlikely, I think), I definitely need to not be working here. I was a little nervous though. I had chalk dust flying everywhere. I looked like a snow storm or someone with a very bad case of dandruff by the end of class.
Anyway, I'm feeling pretty cheerful. It also helps that we had a day off last week (the official observance of Tuesday Not Columbus Day). I was going to just lounge around the house, but instead Secret Agent Man convinced me to get all the dang boxes out of all my hallways so you can walk through the house, and unpack my computer. I can't believe how much more relaxed I feel now that I can actually walk through the house without having to scoot around boxes. (As for the computer, I still haven't used it yet, but at least it looks nice sitting there on my tidy mostly-empty desk. I need to find an ISP that works with Macs and has a local dial-up number.)
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