Заговорила тяжелая артиллерия

Jul 20, 2014 17:34

Оценка правительством США крушения сбитого самолета "Малазийских авиалиний"

Russia supplied missile launchers to separatists, U.S. official says

A U.S. official confirmed to The Washington Post on Saturday that Russia supplied advanced missile launchers to separatist groups in Ukraine, and that those launchers were moved back across the border after the downing of Malaysia Air Flight 17. The Russian government has so far denied sending weapons to the rebel groups, and the rebels have denied possessing them, though they have boasted online about shooting down other aircraft.

Упреждающий удар? Боятся возвращения Киселева из отпуска?

пропаганда, repost, Украина, Я тут живу! Хреново. Но терплю!, вангую

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