"Кажется, пчёлы о чём-то догадываются"

Nov 04, 2021 15:19

Не прошло и 20 лет со дня выхода (в 2004) небезызвестной книги "What's the Matter with Kansas?", как лидеры прогрессивного мышления обнаружили, что люди голосуют не только карманом, и даже что это касается не только быдла, но и их самих, любимых:They are among the most affluent places in America: Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, in Northern Virginia; Upper Montclair, N.J.; Scarsdale, N.Y.; Wilmette, Ill.; Palo Alto and Malibu, Calif; and Mercer Island, Wash.

In each, six-figure incomes are the norm, and seven-figure incomes are not rare, which means that many residents would pay higher taxes if Democratic proposals were to become law.

And yet these places vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
И далее:

"“As they’ve grown in numbers, college graduates have instilled increasingly liberal cultural norms while gaining the power to nudge the Democratic Party to the left,” Nate wrote. “Partly as a result, large portions of the party’s traditional working-class base have defected to the Republicans.” ... But many Democrats have made the mistake of believing that the working-class shift is all about racism. ... Regardless, Democrats likely do need to write off some voters because of their racial attitudes."

Ну, и вывод:

"If Democrats are going to win more of these voters, they will probably need to listen to them and make some changes, rather than telling them that they’re irrational for voting Republican."

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