Чего у нас только нет

Aug 05, 2019 11:10

Есть, оказывается, даже Socialist Rifle Association:

The Socialist Rifle Association is an educational organization dedicated to providing the working class with the information they need to be effectively armed for self and community defense. This includes all manner of community defense, from the right of the working class to possess firearms to the ability to be well versed in the fields of medicine, disaster relief, logistics, agriculture, and survival skills. [...] If you are any of the following: working class, progressive, anarchist, socialist, communist, eco-warrior, animal liberator, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, PoC, LGBTQ+, or anyone else who is interested in learning about firearms and modern self defense -- YOU are invited to join the Socialist Rifle Association today!

This entry was originally posted at https://ymarkov.dreamwidth.org/534328.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

оружие, guns, ахренеть

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