Eve of Wilma

Oct 21, 2005 00:35

Okay I moved to FL last year and I was told that I wouldn't have to worry about Hurricanes. But has fate would have it there were THREE that hit gainesville and I lost power once! So this year the gulf coast get's a thrashing and FL is safe....NO not till Wilma that monster of winds and destruction builds up! Why me? The truth is that Nature is rebelling, rather this is a sign of the times that we need to get it together and ask forgiveness, because as much as humans think that they demi-gods you realize much as Ahab did that the Nature and it's fury is really no match. I mean look at how "advanced" technology is but they cannot even really predict the path of Wilma, and for all we know it is going to literally drown NO again. Cie La Vie


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