Oct 03, 2006 22:19
Last night I came home and wondered what covering the stove. It turned out that it was a heaving mass of ants. Two days ago I saw some ant in the bathroom, and I think that they were just doing reconnaissance, because at this point they are invading with a tidal wave force. I just don't want them in my room is all.
I have a fascination with the order and force of ant, and in fact one of my favorite books is Empire of the Ants by David Werber, and as much as they suck swarming in your kitchen it is fascinating to watch them in action. If I had my way I would follow them back to nest to see how the other side lives.
Interesting fact is that good ole grits kill ants. It's like rice and birds....well since ants are miniscule to birds I am sure it takes a lot less grits to kill ants.
All I have to say is that we better win this war, and I mean the human element.