News Roundup and Things to Ponder

Oct 06, 2006 16:05

Hay guys!

Just a quick update really. I'm in my new house, though my new place dosn't have internet. I'm living with my Gran though, which is nice and I'm hopfully getting the internet soon enough.
But right now I'm at my mum's, visiting for a few days. I went to Manchester yesterday and, to celebrate my oncoming financial security (with luck, if I get on with the job... I HOPE I do!!!) I've treated myself to a couple of books. One of which is the Trigun Manga (volume 2, the one featuring the appearence of Legato.)
It's really good and has definatly got me in the mood to drop into the Trigun Fandom again. Who knows, it might even get me going into writing that Eden's Children sequal!
Oh, and when I have acess from my own computer I've got another bit of Harry Potter and the Inspecti-Spides to put up!
Plus I've come up with a cool little Saiyuki fic.

So yeah, feeling pretty creative at the moment! Let's just hope that work doesn't suck that all out of me!

In the mean time, I've been thinking of certain things, in certain fandoms and indeed about fandoms themselves. Does anyone have the time to answer the following questions! Note, they're all about different things, so please comment!

1: TRIGUN: Does anyone know of any new, good Trigun fic? Any sort is good, I don't have any real squicks or problems with any pairign. But one shots or short multi-chaptered works or, if at least COMPLETED multi-chaptered works are best. I've already read Sand and Light. Please feel free to pimp your own stuff, if I havn't read and/or left a review for it.

2: YU-GI-OH: Does anyone agree with me that Yugi is diabetic? And does anyone know of any fic that features this? Just curious?

3: SAIYUKI: Ok, this one is a bit squicky and perhaps even controvertial but... well... is it me or does anyone else thing that something really nasty (aka rape, or near rape) must have happened to Sanzo in the past? I mean, judging to his reactions whenever he's flirted at by a man, or when he's threated with a man, his dislike of being touched and stuff... they all seem to point that way a bit. So... yeah... any thoughts? fic recs? Anything?

4: Ouran High School Host Club: Has anyone other than me seen this anime on my friends list? And if now... why havn't you!!!!!?

5: GENERAL: So... sometimes you get Mary Sues, OC femails which fall in love with the men. And you get Gary Stues, who do much the same. OC males which fall for either the females or the men of the cannon. But has anyone ever encountered a story featuring, as it's main romantic plot, an OC female falling for a female cannon character? Femslash in other words. Well? Just curious.

OK, that's it.
Don't expect me to respond to any of these quickly btw, I might not have acess to a computer again for a while. But hopefully it should be before the month is out. Anyway, PLEASE respond, I'd be interested in seeing your thoughts.

harry potter, fandom, saiyuki, real life, general, yu-gi-oh, trigun

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