The Weeks Dr Who

Apr 30, 2006 01:21

Cut for spoilers for the latest episode.

In my opinion this has to be the best Dr Who episode of the season yet. I could level a couple of critisisms at it... the dialogue was occasionally a bit cheesy, the words a little indistinct, some of it felt a bit... cleched... but the feeling and emotion there was excellent.

Sara Jane Smith's return was well handled for the most part, and K9 was utterly fantastic. The Romance aspect of it was a tiny bit annoying, but I suppose that's the way they're going with Dr Who and it's not as if it didn't make sense. I have, and am, liking the more personal, emotional side of the Doctor and his journies they're showing, the good as well as the bad.

The look on his face as he mentioned that he was now the last... as he talked about how all those he loves move on... the idea of being utterly alone... it's been played with before but it was wonderfully done then. Tennant really pulled that off, which I was glad about.

And once more, the headmasters offer to turn the Doctor into a God was wonderful. I definatly think that they are playing with the Doctor's arrogance in this incarnation. I hope RTD does something with it as it is a facinating angle to explore.

Speaking of which, Antony Stewert Head was WONDERFUL as the demon headmaster, as it were. He totaly carried it off, chilling, scary, evil... I could have watched him for an entire series. If they bring any bad guy back again, I do hope it is him.

Other favorite bits include the conversation between Rose and Sara Jane about the Doctor's habits (and the look on the Doctor's face as he walks in on it!) Mikie in general, he is just perfect, almost every scene with K9 in it, the children cheering the boy who blew up the school, and the very last scene... heck, the very last words I think... Sara's comment was heart wrenching.

And I wonder how long it is before Rose discovers exactly how many companions the Doctor HAS had...
All in all a brilliant episode... perhaps not as good as some in the first season, but still very good.
I hope others enjoyed it as much.

dr who

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