Shippings, Writings and Other.

Oct 31, 2005 15:37

It's funny, I won't have anything to say for ages then it'll all come out at once.

NaNoWiMo is scaring me horribly. I sort of have plot but no real idea or desire to write much, which is always horribly intimidating. That's mainly why I'm doing the WriMo though, I suppose, to get me back into writing. I've not done any serious writing for ages and I do need to get back into the habit. Because that's what writing is for me; a habit. And as I said, I need to get back into it (in one form or another, idealy through origional stuff, but fanfic will do. ANYTHING will do.)
Still, I won't deny being intimidated. I just have to keep reminding myself that a) I'm an OK writer. And B) that I'm doing this for ME, not for anyone else. I'm doing this because I love writing and I have stories I want to tell. Sometimes I get so nervous about whether or not other people will like it or whether or not it'll be publishable that I loose all joy out of it. It's a habit I really need to get out of.

In other musings I've been thinking about Shipping. This is partly ThereGo'sYaMum's fault, but also due to other aspect too, no doubt.

Is it me or do all ships read alike after a while?

Take Remus/Sirius... now, I *like* R/S, I've read quite a bit of it, some of it's damn good. But after a while, even with some of the 'good' authers, it all seems to read the same. This isn't just with this pairing. It happens in all pairings, of all Fandoms. Vash/Meryl in Trigun is fine the first few times, so's Vash/Wolfwood, but after a while it feels like you're reading the same thing over and over again, but with slightly different variations. The same with Kurt/Kitty, and even Stark/Zhaan.

What I think it comes down to is that there are only so many variations of a theme you can have with certain characters. They can only act towards each other in so many ways, so after a while you see all the permiatations and it gets boring.

It's this which reminds me why I actually don't like ships that much. And why I don't tend to write that much shippy stuff. At the end of the day simple romance is only interesting the first few times. It's a good thing to have in a plot but it can very rarely carry it. When I think about my favorite fics most of them are not about how X and Y got gotether, or even things that are terribly character based, it's mostly plot and story which make a good fic.
Take Lazy_Neutreno and Lupins_Little_Sister, my two favorite R/S authers. I love their work because, whilst shipping is often a large part of their stuff, it's not what carries it. Their stories are full of darkness and character development and mytery.
So yeah... I perfer plot to pairing.
But what do you people think? Am I just being odd here? Or does it seem like all pairing fics run together after a while? I think it does...

fandom, musings

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