The Character Meme!

Apr 09, 2005 03:17

I like this meme thing. 'Tis fun! Here's another that took my fancy...

a. Post a list of 10 book or TV series, movies, or comics fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite CHARACTER from each fandom.
c. When guessed, bold the fandom and write a sentence or two about why you like that character.

My series are...

Star Trek Origional Series Spock. Because... well damn it! Everyone likes Spock! Is any more explenation really needed?

Star Trek TNG Data. Used to love him a LOT more than I do now, but I do still like him. He's funny and sweet and it's great to see all his slip ups.

Star Trek DS9

Trigun Vash. I do like Knives a lot, but it's Vash that I really love. There's so much about him I admire, his pacefism, his determintion, his all round good-ness. Pluss he has more layers than an onion. How much better can you get?

X-men Magneto: A wonderfully interesting character. My favorite bad-guy of all time, riveling even Knives! Tradgic, insane, layered, compassionate and ruthless. Great!

Harry Potter Remus Lupin. Because he's sweet, he's got a thought proces I can admire (I like the way he uses reason first.) Because he hides his emotions and thus it's SO much fun working him out and, yes, becuse of the angst. An all round cool guy. (But I love Sirius too!)

Slayers Zelgadis. Another fun character and oh, oh so cool. He's got so many smart moves, he has angst, he's a little dark and best of all he's the streight man. The only semi-sane and utterly competant one of the bunch. You've got to admire that!

Farscape Stark. He's so insane! So complex! So mysterious! So utterly, utterly mad! And yes, let's not forget the angst... Seriously, he's an insane/good/creepy/magic-space-priest-alien-slave. Dude, how could I NOT like him?

Read or Die (the TV)

Full Metal Alchemist Roy Mustang. For he is Teh Sex! No, seriously, If I'm being honest I must say one half of the reason I love this character is that he's so, so sexy. OK, and he's pretty complex too, and he had Angst. Are you noticing a trend here?

Yes, I'm also a fan of Buffy, Angel and so forth. But I there's no one character in any of those which I can really stand up and say I love. Well... OK, maybe Giles... but that's it!
Almost all the series I've listed there are things in which I have a few favorite characters. With those where I've multiple favorites, I'll just say all of them. But yeah. Have fun.
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