Two Short Yu-Gi-Oh Fics.

Feb 11, 2007 21:37

Here's two short little Yu-Gi-Oh fics. Both are unbeted and neither are going any where, so I thought, what the hell, just post 'em.

The first is a bit of sillyness between Ryou and his Ring Spirit, the second is a Kaiba brother's fic mainly written for the last line. Neither can be much more than two or three hundred words.


Fic 1 (Bakura and Ryou Centric.) A Not So Origional Plan

Host! Host! Awaken!
Ryou moaned a little and pulled the covers up, over his head.
‘Wazzzit?’ he murmured.
‘Host… I have an idea.
‘Listen. Tomorrow the Pharaoh and his pesky friends will be taking a plane to Egypt. I have come up with the perfect assassination plan!’
‘What?’ curiosity was nuzzling it’s way though Ryou’s sleepy brain. He forced himself in a more alert state of mind. ‘What are you thinking of, Koi?’
‘First we go to the Domino City Zoo. I will give you the knowledge of how to break in. When we do so, we head straight towards the reptile exhibit…’
‘The… reptile exhibit?’
‘Didn’t you hear me the first time? Anyway, when we get there we find the most poisonous snake we can and-‘
‘Er… Spirit?’
‘I’m never taking you to the movies again. Now I gotta sleep.’
And with these words, Ryou did just that.


The Second, Mokuba and Seto ficlet.

Looking Back at Mother Bends.

Mokuba first memories are of Seto and his father cooking.
His father’s face swims in and out of recollection, the shadow of dark hair and dark suits, a gentle hand and pale eyes smiling, always smiling. His touch smells of sandle-wood and his posture is always tired, always beaten and worn and shining despite it all.
Nii-sama is clearer (he always is,). He’s standing on a stool for extra height, his small arms trembling as he holds a heavy pan of rice.
‘Amazing,’ father’s voice is deep and calm, ‘amazing! Isn’t your brother amazing, Mokuba-chan?’
Seto grins a little, but forces it back, teeth biting his lip softly as he fights to keep the pan steady. He’s helping father, replacing the mother Mokuba has never known and Mokuba loves him for that.
‘Amazing!’ repeats Mokuba, voice inept for all his words. ‘Amazing! Nii-San amazing!’
Seto glows with his pride and the heat of the fire.
Seto was his brother and his mother and, later, his father.
Perhaps this is wrong but it’s all Mokuba knows and Seto hasn’t told him any better.
He knows in an inconsequential, hazy way that their father read to them at night but it’s only Seto’s stories he remembers.
Once they cuddled together in the night, whispering after hours, Seto fighting the nightmares with tales of hope.
‘Once,’ (he can still hear Seto’s voice.) ‘there were two brothers who were very poor. They worked hard but things didn’t get any better. Then one day the eldest brother went into the grass fields to work and he found a place very prosperous. As he worked there he found something; a pearl. He took the pearl home and placed it an almost empty jar of rice to keep it safe. The next day the fertile field of grass had all withered but the jar of rice was almost full again. The pearl was magic and it provided for the brothers. They lived well for a while but one day a rich man tried to steal the pearl from them so the eldest brother swallowed it. It burned his throat and he ran to the river to quench his thirst. He was so thirsty that he drank all the water up and, when he had finished, he had turned into a dragon! He chased the bad, rich man away and made it rain so the fields became fertile and he looked after his little brother every day.’
Mokuba would laugh at this and beg for more, for tales of what the two brothers did after, for the adventures they went upon. Seto would sometimes tell him, sometimes not and with the each tale became increasingly tempered with the seeds of reality.
Then Gozaboro Kaiba came and the stories ended.
Mokuba knows the real ending of the Dragon’s Pearl story now.
The dragon causes a flood to ruin the rich man before flying away looking back at his mother (not brother… mother…) twenty four times, each bending the river he leaves trailing behind him. And the mother (brother) is left alone.
He doesn’t read to Mokuba any more now. He doesn’t even seem to read to himself unless it’s a book on tactics or maths or economics.
And when Seto Kaiba does smile it is quick and savage and his teeth are bright pearls between his lips.


Reviews welcome and begged for.

fanfic, yu-gi-oh

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