I cannot tell if the cruddy mood is random, because of stress, due to people, or because I haven't art'd for weeks at this point. Whatever it is, it's not helping me finish essays 1, 2, or 3, or study for tomorrow's test. Hurrah!
In true tradition that I only ever blog to procrastinate or to post art or to promote something, let me hit all three by including the following:
Guitar club concert this Friday! Alternatively, if you aren't particularly anywhere near NUS, this may instead register as: Poster design art with weird perspective!
I'm possibly both drumming and singing for all four songs I'm performing, which is havoc on the coordination, but fun! Though I am terrible at memorizing Japanese lyrics, urgh. Am hoping I've got the pronunciation passably right, goodness knows once I'm playing it's all a slurred mass. Drumming for the following is giving me some pain, but also new callouses; symmetrical lumps above and below lower middle finger joint, of all places.
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