KinKi's idol poses
This screenshot is so wonderful I want to make this my desktop wallpaper. But I can't bear part with my hidamari wallpaper yet, so... The football bowling match in the latest sdk was great. Koichi's fail was so great. Everything was great. Anyway, point is, KinKi are so great X3♥
Btw. Don't know what got into me, but suddenly felt so much like watching Nazotoki and so I did. Through online streaming, because downloading an entire drama series where I am now would take days to finish >.>. So I ended up finishing the entire series plus the SP in one day. I guess I can stand Kitagawa Keiko more than I thought lol. (Which means I can have a little more anticipation to that Ryo movie. Ha!) And I'm having Kageyama feels. askldjaksdk. Ok, I get what's so great about Kageyama now, ok! I'm also having those feels I get when I just finish a drama/movie and don't feel like talking to anyone or watching anything for fear that the feels are going to disappear when I do and I don't want them to. asdklhsakljdkl. I should just go to bed a little earlier today while these feels still linger haha.
I. can. not.