Jan 20, 2008 00:00
So, it kiiind of snowed today, which was pretty awesome. I love snow, it makes me feel like a kid again; however, there wasn't really much actual accumulation though, so that makes it less fun. Me, Elizabeth, and Melissa went to Target today, and I decided that I go to Target entirely too much. It just has everything that I need there though, and I think that their clothes are way better than mall clothes (sans pants). Here is a list of my purchases, just because I'm bored and don't have much else to write about:
-REALLY long pants...they're pretty cool, but definitely need to be hemmed. They were only $5 though, so whatever.
-a VERY long tank top...it's cute though, and has a nice floral print. And hey, it was only $2.50. That's basically why Target is awesome.
-BLUE tights...and for only $1.50. What a deal! They're going to look killer with a black dress. :)
-Bras. Not on sale, but fun anyway!
-Pudding. It's delicious, and flavored with Splenda, which is pretty rad.
-12 pack of Diet Cherry Pepsi...for only $2.75; what a steal!
-Vanilla Almond Special K...my new thing this year is eating breakfast, woo.
Oh, fun purchases. We are watching Blast From The Past right now, which is an interesting movie. I love the concept. It's kind of neat; if you haven't seen it, do it, just because bomb shelters and Cold War stuff is awesome.
Tomorrow I am going to go to the Faculty Piano Recital and finish all of my homework, so that I can have a fantastic day off on Monday! Hopefully it will include some pants shopping, because my pants situation is pretty bad. My two favorite pairs are hole-y, which is really sad. :(
I shop entirely too much, I am aware. But I have been doing a good job of eating on campus more this semester, so at least I'm saving money in that area!
Alright, I've probably bored you by now. I'm done. :)