Fandom: The RPF

Mar 20, 2011 23:49

Seeing how you, dear reader, most likely are into fanfiction for YuGiOh, anime in general and maybe series such as BtVS, you probably are as familiar as I am with this acronym:

RPF (Real Person Fanfiction).

I have yet to read the genre, but I have just read about it just now, in this light entertaining piece (NSFW).

In the last decade, the most popular RPF targets were members of boy bands and actors from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. According to the Internet, every single member of the previous two groups has boned every single other member and in fact is probably boning them right now. Some RPF fans have even taken their hobby further, insisting that their stories are based on reality and that the celebrities in question are romantically involved. For this reason, even fellow fanfiction writers view RPF authors as strange.

But once again, the Internet quarantine separating RPF fans from the rest of humanity not only isn't working, it was never there to begin with. For a start, there's the fact that if the celebrities in question are dead, making them bone each other is not called "Real-Person Fiction." It's called "historical drama." Somewhere, right now, there's an actor winning an award for starring in one.

Till next time. 


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