Title: Nothing else matters
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Sawyer/Juliet
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Lost. Just the words!
Summary: James wraps his arms around her waist and rolls her onto the bed once again, and Juliet gives a squeal. Her fingers touch the strands of his hair as it runs through her fingers. James grasped her hand and began to kiss her fingers gently.
Notes: I had this idea in my head for a few days, just something cute and happy, hopefully to make you smile. A fluff piece.
Dedication: To my girl Kelly
force_oblique as a belated birthday present!
The alarm clock is buzzing again. Juliet is curled up on her side, hair covering her eyes, James’ hands are wrapped around her belly and his chin rests on her shoulder. It creates an almost, artistic silhouette of their bodies resting on one another, both with the same expression, eyes shut but a smile on their face.
“James, your alarm...turn it off...” Juliet murmurs, as she turns to face James and she moves him over to his side gently. He decides not to budge and gives her a devilish grin. “...I’m sleepy, you turn it off.” His eyes widen and he pats her on the shoulder, playfully.
“You’re nearer!” Juliet laughs, giving him another push until James lifts her until she is on top of him, with his fingers gripping hers. Juliet reaches over and switches the alarm off with a sigh.
“Now how hard was that?” James wraps his arms around her waist and rolls her onto the bed once again, and Juliet gives a squeal. Her fingers touch the strands of his hair as it runs through her fingers. James grasped her hand and began to kiss her fingers gently.
“Well, it’s not like I’m in a rush to get up.” Juliet says, with a twinkle in her eye. James couldn’t agree more. He loved nothing better than the feeling of her breath against his chest, caressing her hair; he would move it behind her ears gently. She didn’t snore but she would murmur in her sleep. Only when he heard her murmur would he then sleep. Sometimes she would smile in her sleep, so James would creep out of bed to fetch them breakfast.
“Let’s stay then. We got everything we need right here!” James smiled, pearly white teeth glowing, every dimple of his seemed to shine. He sat up against the pillows and pulled her towards him, her legs dangling across his lap.
Juliet was gazing at him when she stifled a giggle. “Oh James have you seen your hair this morning?” James pouted, pretending to be insulted by the notion. “I have literally just got up, give me a break woman!” Juliet giggled.
“Maybe I can brush your hair for you. It could use a bit of a trim.” She joked, and James couldn't help smiling. He pinned her onto the bed, his arms wrapped around her wrists.
“I actually like it this way, thank you very much!” He reached down and began to kiss her tummy softly. Juliet collapsed into laughter. “James, that tickles!” She squealed. James smiled. He loved seeing her squirm and giggle. It made her seem even more attractive to him.
“How about here?” He kissed the tops of her arms and moved down slowly until he reached her lips and moved in for a tender kiss on the lips. “Much better.” She whispered. Now there was something she couldn't resist.