Jun 07, 2007 17:28
Things I need to do:
For New Scotland:
- Book bands
- Andy Kain - freshers' ceilidh
- beginners' dance band
- annual band
- Ian Thomson
- Gary Donaldson
- David Anderson? - summer dance
- Gary Donaldson - dem class
- Talk to the copy centre
- Look for old poster/flier designs for EM
- Make a list of class start dates
Bank stuff:
- Pay in cheque from NS
- Change address on account
- Make a new account with a visa card
Norway stuff:
- to follow (see above about visa card)
- Sort out IVFDF stuff (which was due a week ago!)
- Ticket numbers
- Reps meeting minutes
- Other minutes
- Buy
- a computer
- a bike
- more trousers
- unbroken sandals
- Tidy
- Be more organised