set. もう迷わない。

Aug 05, 2016 17:52

yes, i was truly pissed and disappointed when the deployment came out that way. yes, i felt my opinions were simply dismissed as unimportant. that was why i decided to try my luck and see how far it will bring me. 英雄无用武之地,自有他处迎鄙才。

honestly, i did not expect to get through. deep inside of me i knew my time is coming to an end....i knew the countdown has begun. but i just wanted to appease this part of me on my worth as a teacher, on others' assessment of me. i have received my answer and i have no regret for my actions. i am confident of my skills as a teacher and i am sure of my abilities in this field. BUT my interest lies elsewhere...

i am not going to just let things pass. though i know no one knows of this site, all will be made known when the time is ripe. if you want to bully me, know who you are dealing with first. i seriously cannot be bothered by what you think of me as i am not the same as before; my priorities have changed. just as i am taken for granted in this school, i shall not be too caught up with the demands from this place.

when i changed my perspective on things, i realized i have nothing to lose but all to might seem ridiculous to some but the experience and affirmation i have received far outweigh what i expected...sometimes i need an external stimulus to push me to act but i realized this external stimulus also helped to clear my mind and be sure of what i really want in life.

i will leave, no i MUST leave.

studies, teaching, choice, system

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