family = fuck off

Nov 19, 2011 09:45

what the fuck is the point of having a family when everyone dont bother to take each other's feelings into considerations? fuck off...informing us of decisions only after they are made...i know i am a selfish bastard. this is wad i am and i aint gonna change. knowing our temperate yet deliberately making arrangements to agitate us..fuck off..i dont have such a family. or to put it this way, i aint gonna respect u as part of the family for i have nONE to begin with...this is the final straw and i am so not going to care anymore.

i am old enough to fend for myself. i am gonna leave this fucked up place. definitely.

she absolutely failed not just as a wife, a mother and even as a woman. bitch. i had enough of her. she is bloody half-a-century old and still cant think for herself not the least for the family - which i refer to her immediate family after she is married. i take into consideration her age which accounts for much of her life experience (which i mistakenly assumed she had any) that is why i did not retaliate in any form in the past quarrels..but now that it is affecting my life directly, i aint taking it down without a fuss. she can bloody well dont return for all i care. best still, get a divorce and i can well proclaim a clean sheet of no relations or wadsoever with a bitch like her. i really just dont wanna see her at all. NOT AT ALL. i admit that i am an asshole, bastard for my warped-up personality which i dont deny. hence i cant be bothered with wad society thinks of my blasphemous comments for i really aint taking the words back. i mean it. condemn me for all i care. i am just speaking my mind.

yes, i understand that one can never deny the gratitude/debt a child owe to the mother. but is that bond forever? will there aver be a time when the debt can be cleared? yet in society, it is possible thru legal means of disowning...though there is always that stigma of society against these deviants who (is)are outright challenging the social values / moral standards..but to me all these talks about moralities are just bullshit. its just a social construct...もう信仰なんて捨ててしまったから、道徳というものは僕に関係ない。一応全部捨ててちゃった。自分が決めたルールで生きるって決心しました。 hence, to me there is no such thing as clear-cut right or absolute wrong. it is the grey areas that matter.

僕にとっては世間にどんな目で見られても気にしないから、どうでもいいです。therefore, wadever blood ties we are referring to are just another form of 束縛 that restricts one's freedom. if that's the case wad kind of universal and permanency nature of the bond are we talking about?? mother-child relationship 結局 is just another institutional construct with a heavy investment of emotional attachment to it. that's all.

rather than saying that i hate them all..i just cant be bothered anymore.

why shld i bother when she dont even care to inform us in the first placE? fine, i understand why my dad was so angry those times when i was still young and wanting to stay over at my aunt's place. i fully understand now. if she decides to place her priorities else where, i shall no longer care about her anymore. FROM NOW ON, I DISOWN ALL FAMILIAL TIES WITH HER. I MEAN IT and i shall no longer be bothered with her ever ever again. she can just stay outside for the rest of her fucking life. die for all i care!~

i conclude that family is indeed the most binding/suffocating thing ever. man is NEVER born free. the ties he is attached to stays and its a heavy price to pay to break that bond. yet, it is not impossible to do so.

~disclaimer: the above are STRICTLY my personal opinions.~

morals, family, hate

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