(no subject)

Jan 03, 2007 22:53

Мне тут 1 сайтик (http://dienekes.angeltowns.net/calc/anthro/indexf.html) выдал информацию:
"Results of Anthropometric analysis
Your best match is: Egyptian (according to all 14 measurements) and Egyptian (according to 11 independent measurements). See table All Populations below for other close matches.

Your zy-zy is less than 2 standard deviations from the average for Egyptian
Your noseinclin is more than 2 standard deviations from the average for Egyptian

Overall, you are 1.18 standard deviations from the average Egyptian (according to all 14 measurements) and 1.39 standard deviations from the average Egyptian (according to 11 independent measurements).

Slovenian 1 2
Egyptian 99 98"

Я правда на египтянку похожа?)))
Завтра буду пытать маму, не согрешила ли она :D

П.С.: Была бы мальчиком - была бы греком (Джокерка знает)

фан, сама

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