Aug 12, 2004 20:47
Kia Ora.. how they say hello in new zealand. a yr ago id just be getting home from new zealand after like 19 hours on a plane.. ohh that was a horrible 19 hours.
well anyways, yesterday i worked 12-4. i worked with daria and then debbie came.. grr.. she is evil.. actually it wasnt that bad, it wasnt hot out, so only like 10 ppl came. o well..
today it rained all day practically.. i got called off work.. i wished it didnt rain. as boring as it would of been sitting there bored from 12 til 4, i would of made 24 bucks.. thats not bad.
so i talked to megan. i felt happy.. someone knows exactly what im talking about.. and its not just me.
then i started to clean my room. i didnt get that far and then around 4, my mom and i went to circuit city and we bought a mouse for the computer thats in my room.
and then i came home and hung out.
and then we found the old mouse.. after i opened the new one and already put it in the computer.. oh well..
i am gonna be soo busy for the rest of the month
Tomorrow (13th).. OMG Friday the 13th. i never realized that. the last one was on shaunas bday in feb.
well anyways
13th- work, then probably going to that band thing at 6 to see loretta wei and lori
14th- work
15th- work
16th- softball
20th- softball
21st- cousins wedding
22nd- softball car wash
23rd- softball
24th- doctors app.
25th- getting teeth pulled and exposed. : (
26th- Weis Birthday!!!! oh & laying around all day haha
27th- softball but probably wont go, my mouth would hurt so ill probably be laying around all day
28th- tagging for softball
30th- partying with loretta and katie for our last day of summer
31st- school : (...NoOooO.... BuT iTs LoreTTaS BirThday!!!!!! YayYyY
and i dont have my work schedule for anytime past the 16th, so ill be working more.. grr.. this isnt fair.. my whole summer is like gone..
well thats all for now
*ta ta*