
[meme] this year in fandom...

Jan 02, 2021 00:53

o1. Votre fandom de l'année / Your main fandom of the year?
Welp that French Eldricth Boxing Anime ate my brain didn't it?

o2. Votre film préféré vu cette année / Your favourite film watched this year?
Did I ever watch movies with the lockdown wait yes I did but mainly on my netbook not in the theater Onward I guess? The Old Guard is a close second.

o3. Votre livre préféré lu cette année / Your favourite book read this year?
OK it's a toss-up between Jurassic Park: The Lost World and Hunger Games. So what if I'm late to the party.

o4. Votre album/chanson préféré écouté cette année / Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
I don't even remember listening to music this year.

o5. Votre série télé préférée vue cette année / Your favourite TV show of the year?

o6. Votre communauté DW préférée de l'année / Your favourite DW community of the year?

o7. Votre webcomic préférée de l'année / Your favourite webcomics of the year?
I'm going back to Gunnerkrigg Court.

o8. Votre BD préférée de l’année / Your favourite comics of the year?
Peau d'homme I should make a rec post for this one but urgh, translating...

o9. Votre découverte de l'année en fandom / Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Spy x Family or Dungeon Meshi?
(en VF : Gloutons & Dragons)

1o. Votre plus grosse déception de l'année en fandom / Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
I really, really wanted to go see Wonder Woman 84 in the theater.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
Your fandom girlfriend of the year?

11. Votre grand moment de squee de l'année / Your biggest squee moment of the year?
When Rahne and Dani kissed on screen ♥

12. Le vieux fandom qui vous manque le plus / The most missed of your old fandoms?
FullMetal Alchemist, over and over and over. Like, I'm starting to read fics again, but I'm out of stories to write myself.

13. Le fandom que vous n'avez pas encore essayé, mais vous en avez l'intention / The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
*flips through Netflix to-watch list* I'll go with Blood of Zeus.

14. Vos plus grandes espérances de fan pour la nouvelle année / Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
I'm not sure I'm expecting anything anymore at this point. May we have a new Dragon Prince season? More Hilda? a She Ra movie even though I have no idea what could go in it? commentaires : sur DW | comment utiliser OpenID

meme, fannitude, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: lastman, fandom: new mutants

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