
I'm stuck and internet has failed me!

Nov 09, 2018 21:57

I was doing good on my NaNo until today. Then I learned that the worse burns are not actually painful? because the nerves are destroyed. So here I'm ponderin', welp, instead of having my main character writhing and screaming in agony, should I let him just ignore his wound and let it get infected because he never realized how bad it was?
I tried and tried to get more info about how bad the burn should be and how it would feel, but all my search engine gives me is proper first aid and care, and how to properly grill a steak. Yeah no, not what I'm after.
(I need him to put his hand on a still-hot barbecue after everyone else at a party is doing... other stuff in the garden, not die, preferably not need total amputation, but still get permanent scarring and loss of sensation and motion in his hand, and I'm too chicken to go ask little_details.)
And so I'm stuck, research doesn't get anywhere, and writing has stopped and my character still has both hands intact. Argh!!

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