
[scrap] xxxHolic - Watanuki - G

Apr 18, 2010 22:06

Fandom: xxxHolic
Character: Watanuki Kimihiro
Rating: G
Disclaimer: CLAMP

Theme: “Already there was something mysterious and homelike” for 31_days (April 18)
Timeline/Possible Spoilers: up to chapter 185 and further

A/N: I apologize in advance if I mangle verbs here - time consistency is not my forte, even in my native language. That explains but doesn't excuse, I know. If you spot anything wrong, in tense use or whatever other mistake, please do correct me.

The shop's ownership had passed to Watanuki less than a month ago and already its atmosphere was changed. There was something different, something new.

Something mysterious, well, even more mysterious than before; mysterious in a new way, different than the old days, different than the one from Yuuko’s time... Mysterious in the sense that it was not like Watanuki either, as if the shop was truly alive and created the atmosphere by itself, responding to the change of owner, but not on the account of the new owner himself.

And something homelike, too. Of course, Watanuki truly was gifted in making anything he created feel homelike, even though he hardly could call the place he had lived in until then 'home', even though the shop would never be a place to live in, never be a home. He would bring to everything something a bit like a mother’s touch, even though he forgot everything about his own mother long, long ago. He added something very personal, making the place and objects around him seem alive.
And maybe they were, in their own way...

clamp, scribouillage, xxxholic, gen-ish

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