
[scrap] Saiyuki - Goku/Sanzo - PG-13

Mar 09, 2010 19:30

Title: (n/a)
Fandom: Saiyuki
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Minekura
Theme: 3/9, Desire was born early, as was regret (31_days)
Word count: 175

A/N: Unbeta'd. Corrections most welcome. As in, 'your phrasing's wonky here' or 'this word, I do not think it means what you think it means' or 'time concordance in so-and-so sentence, you're doing it wrong'?

Sanzo knows Goku's always loved him. It's a bit disturbing; he'd rather pretend he doesn't know rather than to act in any way on it. Love at first sight it was; Goku was just a baby monkey, and getting hugged, complimented, shown obvious affection (he'd rather die than to admit it was kind of nice) reminded him of... himself, a long, long time ago. Master. The loss forever tainting his nowadays relationships. He never got to tell his Master he loved him, now he's not able to let himself be told he's loved.
And as Goku grows up and his feelings may... change, for something less childish, less filial, more... carnal, he's even more at a loss of what to do with them.
He can only make one promise: not let his monkey be hurt and die, and for himself not to die too soon and not in front of him.
Yeah, not very romantic. Not sweet at all. What can he say, he never got the time to learn how to love properly.

saiyuki, drabbling, saiyuki sanzo, fanfic

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