
[scrap] Saiyuki - Sanzo, Hakkai - PG

Mar 08, 2010 19:07

Same as yesterday; link to last year's theme.

Title: (n/a)
Fandom: Saiyuki
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Minekura
Theme: 3/8, Childhood is short, maturity is forever (31_days
Word count: 170

A/N: Unbeta'd. Corrections most welcome. As in, 'your phrasing's wonky here' or 'this word, I do not think it means what you think it means' or 'time concordance in so-and-so sentence, you're doing it wrong'?

Both of Sanzo and Hakkai (or rather Kouryuu and Gonou) stopped being children early in their life. Hakkai can't remember being a child; Gonou's always been way too serious. Sanzo discards the happy memories of his early years; as a novice in the temple, he was soon required to behave. Both had to be adults almost from the start.

They feel so, so older than they truly are... especially when confronted to the childish behaviour of Goku and Gojyo. It feels good to meet an equal one in the other. Beyond the youngish, foolish desire to mate/hug/kiss/just have sex/be simply together, they acknowledge the want to build something together, the impossibility to do so as for now, and all the obstacles they put themselves in this way either. So they just spend time not being unhappy next to the other when the children leave them alone. They savor thoses brief moments of calm.

They know just how much time they may have, so why rush unnecessarily?

saiyuki, drabbling, saiyuki hakkai, saiyuki sanzo, fanfic

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