
[scrap] Saiyuki - Gojyo/Sanzo - PG

Mar 05, 2010 20:38

Same as same date last year: 3/5 theme for 31_days
Though I wonder why; I don't even like Sanzo, so why do I want to write him again when I couldn't bring myself to use themes in May, August and September for Gojyo, Hakkai and Goku too?

Title: (n/a)
Fandom: Saiyuki
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Minekura
Theme: 3/5, Fate could create you and I
Word count: 125

A/N: Unbeta'd. Corrections most welcome. As in, 'your phrasing's wonky here' or 'this word, I do not think it means what you think it means' or 'time concordance in so-and-so sentence, you're doing it wrong'?

'There's no way in Hell we could be together. Keep your hands and you dirty mind to yourself, you damned Kappa. Even having you in that pathetic little team is too much.'
'Ya think I chose to follow you all around the world, oh Self-Entitled Righteous Monk? If I could I sure wouldn't be here.'

But they are stuck together. Some would say there is a way, very twisted maybe, in Heaven, for them to be, even if it's a match made against their will. (Kanzeon Bostatsu's got a weird sense of humour.)
There is something pulling them one towards the other; although they try their best to deny it, it's inescapable. If they don't pay attention, they do get drawn together.

saiyuki, saiyuki gojyo, saiyuki sanzo, scribouillage

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