
Christmas Wishlist Meme

Dec 06, 2009 16:58

J'ai aussi posté ma liste sur lutins_de_noel, mais ça, c'est la version originale du mème :

# Make a post to your LJ. The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related to medium to really big. The important thing is to make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
# If you wish for real life things, make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) can get in touch with you. Your home address is not required!
# Make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ so that the holiday joy will spread.

# Surf around your friends list to see who has posted their list. And now, here's the important part...
# If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true.
# You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf - to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not - it's your call. There are no guarantees with this project, and no strings attached. Just... wish, and it might come true. Give and you might receive. You'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

1) readers for my fics

2) inspiration

3) icons: moderator, mad scientist, femslash, compulsive reader/writer...

4) Yoko Tsuno albums I lack: Le trio de l'étrange, Les Titans, La lumière d'Ixo, Le septième code

5) Saiyuki Gaiden translated to either English or French, now that the series has ended

6) time, patience, courage

7) a two-month internship for completing my master degree on biodiversity next spring

8) a menstrual cup

and the toys I wanted as a child but never got:
9) a pregnant doll - eg, Steffi Love or any unknown brand, as long as it has a removable pregnant tummy and spring-operated flat tummy bouncing back when you remove the baby - just *not* the Barbie one ('way too expensive and doesn't really fit what I want)

10) a plastic 3D anatomical display, you know, a little skeleton (just a bit taller than Barbie dolls), with removable organs?

meme, et un raton laveur, nerdiness

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