
(no subject)

Jan 09, 2009 19:40

I believe I have a theory to explain Edward's super-sperm and Bella's insta!pregnancy. You know when you're a normal female human being and you have sex with a normal male human being, sex resulting in pregnancy, it takes six days for the egg to travel all the way of the fallopian tube down the uterus and to start its implantation. Six day and you're still no pregnant, six day during which you cannot show any symptom. Or else, it's psychosomatic, it's all in your head and, if your subconscious can persuade your body it's one-or-even-two-months-pregnant when it's not, judgemental mad scientist says you're a total nutcase.
Six days, not six hours.

Now, you're a normal female human being having sex with super-sparkly-vampire of doom? Wouldn't change the physiology of your body, the cilia's frequency, the tubal fluid's flow and thus the rate at which the egg is pushed along the tube. It will still take six days, not six hours. Super-sparkly-vampire sperm doesn't change the histology of your tubes.
All it can do is boost your egg. And even so, it would be fishy.

Nope. Mad scientist says, the only way you can make your magical egg travel faster, is to paste a flagellum on the egg. In normal fertilization, the spermatozoa loses its tail upon entering the egg. What if super-sparkly-vampire sperm contained super-special-magical-cells?
The egg is usually considered a giant cell. Let's have a super-super-giant cell for spermatozoa. Instead of entering the egg, it phagocytates it. A reverse fertilization, see? Then it travels at super-speed to the uterus.

Or the implantation occurs right after the fertilization, in the fallopian tube. Hmmmm, nice case of ectopic pregnancy... then the mother would really explode and tear down two weeks after, and good luck to patch the remains of her reproductive internal organs after the "birth".

Or super-sparkly-vampire sperm contains amoeba-like cells, that don't even travel to the tube but attacks the tissues as soon as it enters the uterus. Hmmmm, even nicer case of alien cancer! Even better than an hydatiform mole!

nerdiness, crack, beurk

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