
[memes] du crack, et du sérieux

Jan 04, 2009 19:42

New year's resolutions:

In 2009, ylg resolves to...
Start a daria fund.
Stop writing with evil_mely.
Lose ten personnages secondaires by March.
Tell my family about les wriggles.
Get back in contact with some old rubber ducks.
Become a better eeudf.

Wha? but I haven't started writing with Mely yet! (Do you still write, Mely?)
And I don't want to lose background characters. And want MOAR love for background characters!!
Be a better EEUdF, now, that's quite a challenge, since I left them several years ago now and I don't plan to go back now...

And the LJ meme, ganked from marijuane29:

What is your username?: ylg
How did you get it?: I needed a new username and had no inspiration whatsoever. At that time I used to carve "YANN LOVES GABRIEL" in the tables at uni as a tag so I used to initials from it. I thought it looked cryptic and cool, back then, and never thought I would come to use it as an alias.
How long have you had an LJ?: Three years and a few days.
Do you have other LJs?: I just created a community just to post my fanfictions the other day: glyfic.

How often do you post?: Almost once a day.
How often do you check your friends page?: Several times a day. I'm quite addicted to my f-page.
What do you talk about most on LJ?: My life?
Have you ever posted more than 6 entries in one day?: Yes, though I used the date-out-of-time feature then made one more post with the links to the previous posts, in order not to flood people's friends-pages.
Do you use livejournal overrides?: Uh, no. What's this?
Do you spellcheck your entries?: Nope. My spellchecker's setted on English by default and I post mostly in French. I spellcheck my fics, though (and still manage to let typos get away, grmpfblf.)
How many icons do you have?: 15.
How many communities do you belong to?: Whew. A lot!
Favorite community?: Erm. Depends from day to day. Mostly 31_jours and saiyukiyaoi lately.
Do you post regularly to communities, or just lurk?: French challenge-based writing communities, I (try to) post regurlarly. English fandomic/writing communities, I lurk.
Moderate any communities?: 30morts and 7_liens and I'm starting to hate it. Well, I like my communities, but I hate having to go "mod" on the members and scold people who don't read the rules or don't respect their deadlines. OK, truth to be told, I'm starting to hate that 30morts for it's turning into a bashing community, too. Where are the sadistic authors who kill the characters they love, not the ones they hate??

LJ Friends
How many LJ friends do you have?: ~60
How many of them do you know in real life?: Really know, let's say one.
Ever met an LJ friend?: ~10 of them, I'd say.
Which LJ friend do you most want to meet?: Meh... all of them?
Who has the best layout?: I don't really care.
Who has the best icons?: I couldn't tell.
Favorite journal to read ?: Right now I'm eager to know what will happen with drakys's neighbours-from-hell.
Who should post more often?: Why, people who have things to say! I can't force my friends to post more if they don't have time for it/a connexion working/anything to tell us.
Do you comment on your friends entries?: Not as much as I should.
Ever had a crush on someone on livejournal?: No.
Have you ever kissed someone on your friends list?: No.

What do you like best about LJ?: The communities and the possibilities of dialogue.
What do you like least about LJ?: The fucking spambots that keep friending me and the track journal feature for anyone, not just friends or communities. Though I would like it if only it warned when people use it..
Do you ever go back and delete entries?: I did it a few times but not much. I rather tend to go back and friend-lock/custom-lock/self-lock entries.
How often do you use LJ cuts?: Almost every time I post. If I post a fic, I cut it. Even if I post a drabble, I cut it. If I post several drabbles, I use multiple cuts. If I post something personnal or potentially offensive, I cut it. If my entry looks bulkier than a fic header, I tend to cut it.
Would you rather have a myspace, or an LJ?: LJ.
What tags do you use most?: 31_jours, couinage, famille, fanfic, fma, gen-ish, je de moi, meme, yaoi, yuri. Can you see a pattern here?
Have you changed much from your earliest entry?: Maybe a bit. But not that much.

meme, et un raton laveur, crack, je de moi

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