
my day is made ♥

Oct 22, 2008 10:31

[insert lots and lots and LOTS of insane fangirly squeeing here]
[insert more squeeing and fangirly flail]

Omygod FF.net updated the characters filters for the FMA section. Fury has been added! hoorray!! and Dante as well. Still no Archer but hey, Fury's there, now!
And this, Baby, is the consecration of three years of fangirling.

BRB. 'Got lots of filter-editing to do. And more squees to squee.

Also, it means that lovers of background characters should always keep hope in the future of fandom ^_^

So, what? Everyone who was in the fandom three years ago has already moved on to something else? nobody cares? Whatever. I care. I'm still here, I still love my cutsie-Fury to pieces. And I'm one very happy fangirl today!

[insert a tiny bit of whining over Breda who was not so lucky and did not get his own character cluster]
[insert more squee over Fury who had; well, 'guess you can't have everything and what we got already is good enough?]

couinage, fma fury, fma

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