I keep telling myself to stop, to feel if I like it;

Oct 01, 2011 12:19

Here is an actual post with actual content about my real life. Out of some misplaced, leftover vestige of art-school guilt about maintaining audience interest (the average viewing time for an image is about 15 seconds or something ridiculous like that) I tend to refrain from posting unless I have something visually titillating to post. Usually art, since very little of my life is anything that could be considered, um, visually titillating. In short, I'm fairly sure that of the content I post, the artwork is generally the most valuable/entertaining, so I generally wait to post until I have some.

This time I do not. September has been a month of failing to finish anything on my behalf; by my count, I have 1 Arthur, 1 Arthur and mikari_chan's Sarah, 1 Sarah by herself, and 1 James (OC) completely finished in terms of pencils which I have stubbornly failed to actually paint. Am starting to wonder if perhaps getting a desk or easel of some sort might help. I tend to do all my work on the couch, which is probably not conducive to productivity. What I did do in September was be really frustrated by my job and paint my nails a lot. (If anyone is interested in nail polish ramblings, let me know. I have a lot of thoughts.)

I also went back home to Lafayette last week for 6 days for the Feast of the Hunter's Moon, which is a major annual family tradition. And also to see my family, who I haven't seen since the LAST vacation in July (which I still never posted photos from, ah hah.) Anyway, this year was not as fantastic as some of the years in the past - I missed Bryce, and the Feast was a bit lackluster due to some combination of the somewhat-nasty weather and the continued political strife of Historical Association vs. the vendors & volunteers. It was kind of good to be home, though; I spent a lot of the time there pondering the ease and familiarity of it all, how I still know where everything in our house is even after not living there for 5 years. I was mildly peeved to discover that my sister's boyfriend moved a bunch of shit around in my room -- it's still my room, you know, and I was slightly bummed to see all my posters torn off the wall, even if they were mostly Lord of the Rings crap from when I was 15. But only mildly peeved. All this notwithstanding, here are

Left to right: Charie!!1 on the window seat, blending in. It is really weird how I have not been his "master" for about a year and three months now, but he still follows either me or Mom around. And he is adorable, even if he does have foul breath and he farted on me. He is very happy. Second: Me in costume, eating a forfar bridie (we volunteered at that booth this year so we got one for free). My sister took a bunch of terrible photos of me and this is the least horrible. Third: My sister in costume. Fourth: My sister, demonstrating the general weirdness that pervades my family.

A blacksmith who was making a handle for a lady; the 42nd Royal Highlanders practicing and some dude in a really bright jacket who was photographing them; me, in normal clothing; massed fifes, pipes, & drums - I think they were playing "Hell on the Wabash." I'm not sure if you can see the Voyageurs in this image but I used to be in one of the corps for a year when I was 13. I kind of miss it sometimes!

Closing ceremonies, one and two - some glamorous views of people's backsides; my mom and I at IHOP (that is a deliberately silly smile, tyvm).

My parents at Steak & Shake; me back in Minneapolis on Tuesday night. My sister curled my hair for me that day, and I wanted a picture of it, even after like six hours of travel. I think what I kind of got instead was a photo of how much I need my hair colored, haha. Anyway - it's off to work I go shortly here, and I really intend to try and get more stuff done when I get home tonight considering I have a short shift.

real life

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