SPN - Give Me a Leonard Cohen Afterworld by:victoria p.

Mar 12, 2008 14:30

Title: Give Me a Leonard Cohen Afterworld
Author: victoria p.
Summary: Sam wakes up one morning, and it's as if he's living the life he'd always dreamed of having. There's just one small problem.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Kripke's, not mine.
Notes: Thanks to amberlynne and sullensiren for handholding, and to luzdeestrellas for betaing. Title from Nirvana.
Word count: 12,075 words
譯文聯結:下  感謝gabrielle的翻譯~\^_^/
I'd like to introduce your story on my blog which is written in Chinese and I wonder if I could quote some sentences and put the link there? Thank you!
Sure, as long as you include the link back to here and my name, that's fine. Thanks.

在看Take Two這篇文時,我就一直在想,如果立場相反,換成了Sam能夠有回到理想生活的機會,那麼Sam會如何做?

很高興的,我找到了這麼一篇文:Give Me a Leonard Cohen Afterworld,故事的時間點設於SPN 1x01一開始的時點,Sam一覺醒來,發現他身處在Standford時期和Jess同居之處,且Jess依舊健在,Sam丈二金剛摸不著頭緒,明明前一晚他還和Dean在某間不知名酒吧而已(該時點是在第二季"playthings"之後),當他要打電話給Dean時,Jess告訴他更驚人的消息: "your brother's been dead for twenty-two years."

he has to know what's going on, can't just leave Dean for dead, because Dean is all he has left, and this is just some crazy trick the demon is playing on him, to get him to betray Dean, and he won't do it. He won't.


"Sometimes I wish none of this had ever happened," he said, hoping that was vague enough not to hurt Dean's feelings and still specific enough to keep Dean from asking more questions. "Sometimes, I still wish for normal."
Dean turned to the woman and nodded his head in Sam's direction. "I wish he could have the life he wishes for."
在看到這一段時,我的心幾乎要為Dean而融化了,他完全沒有想到他自己有什麼願望,或者更精確的說,他的願望就是弟弟能夠達成其心願,過著他想要的生活~you happy so I happy!

where the hell is Dean? Usually he's riding to the rescue by now, but Sam's pretty sure he's got to get out of this one on his own, and as much as he likes to think of himself as an independent adult, his first instinct is still to reach out for Dean.

"Look, Sam, I don't really care what you think about this, but let me make one thing clear to you. If I see a chance to protect you, to keep you from becoming whatever the hell it is you're afraid of becoming, I am going to take it. And you can bitch and moan about it all you want, but that's just the way it's going to be, and you can't stop me."
"I don't want you to die for me, Dean. Not if there's a way I can prevent it, and you can't stop me from doing that." 
   我絲毫都不會懷疑Dean會為了保護Sam,讓他過他想要的生活而犧牲自己(他對自己是如何的自輕,又是對Sam如何的看重…淚),但我喜歡Sam表明他不要哥哥為他犧牲、並會保全哥哥的態度(這在2x22最末尾以及第三季也表現的很清楚了), 兄弟倆是互相扶持的~(灑淚並灑花~)


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